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ghosts goal


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(to start this idea Is still under much thought by myself as I am trying to find a way to make it seem hard to pull off but still fun, as to make it something a person would do if they have no other choice and hate being pets or drones like I do)

Now that that's out of the way, the idea is at the moment the ability to haunt an area, this would cost you your chance of being cloned or your hope of being respawned, and it would bind you to the room you choose, doing this would give you a small physical influence in the room at first, and the ability to unlock powers as you haunt the area, but in order for haunting to work, there must be a person in there to scare, this would mean that you wouldn't just hide in maintanence and gain power while not worrying about the chaplain, who would be able to banish the ghost, giving a 20 minute cool down to haunt another room. As you gain in power you will gain abilities, such as an ability to manifest yourself so others can see you, but you are only able to use emotes like *me or something, no speaking, which is to attempt to prevent someone from just saying so and so is the murderer. another ability would cause the doors in the room to open and shut a few times, which can be used to a small extent later on. ( I haven't thought of many other powers so im going to skip to the last one) the final power would be the ability to possess something, if you possess a dead humanoid then you will become a sort of zombie version of the person, and you will walk slowly, be unable to talk, and any damage taken cannot be fixed, however you will not suffer from being unconscious ( perhaps you will be bound to the body so if you lose all your limbs you are trapped in the body or something, this is something I just thought of but it may be a bit to much since you cant respawn anyway, and that costs your observe privilege) if there is not a body you can use an object in the room and you force it into a humanoid shape sort of like a golem, except your strength veries on what you posess, and you cannot posses things such as vending machines or toliets, MAYBE tables, and chairs, and if you do not have a human body to posess, you must gather a few of the materials to make a form, a part for each part of the body, one chair = an arm, another = the chest, and so forth.


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I have the fear that ghosts being able to haunt people will cause them to annoy off other players, and, like players already ignore lights flackering and chair moving, the y will also be ignoring the ghost manifestation, or even people metagaming like, manifesting inside Interrogations from a guy that murdered you and pointing on the interrogated person and stuff like that to show other people, and this would really piss of the interrogated and so on.


Even though some good Roleplayers in Science or other departments may have fun in creating a Department for Paranormal Activity, the whole majority would either find it annoying or just ignore it as stated before and this wouldn't be worth the weight to code that.


The basic idea is good, but I don't think that it is able to be implemented in our playerbase, because I feel like, people that don't want to get involved in something, shouldn't be forced too (well, unless in Antag rounds of course).


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you would haunt rooms not players, and also if you haunted the interrogation room it would take you some time to gather enough power to point at the murderer, since as I said you need to gain powers by scaring those who walk through

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This post actually intrigued me, I quite like the idea of haunting


One round in particular came to mind as a particularly intuitive Chaplain was communicating with spirits via chairs and lights. As in 21 questions, they started broad and narrowed down their criteria-- asking only binary questions


One chair rotation = yes, two = no, three or none at all = unsure.


All changelings were found and killed using this method, lmfao.


But that's beside the point, but a memory. I think your proposal would help satisfy people who want to remain dead and spectate without spawning in as a drone or npc. The whole haunting a room bit-- eventually becoming visible to players (still transparent I'd figure) and being able to 'me ' stuff would be quite interesting

Although it feels like these mechanics would depend wholly on the circumstances in which they are used. I figure that most of the time it'd get ignored like chair rotating and light flickering, although to more perceptive players (or simply those who choose to interact with the spooky player) this might seem like an opportunity for some RP or whatever.


I could see manifestations being abused. But, then again, what can't be exploited to some extent in SS13?


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also for ignoring the ghost, perhaps the ghost will stun the person they scare for a short time, and that's how they gain more power, by stunning/scaring the person?

it would of course have a cooldown so that you cant just perma stun someone, and its enough time for the person to get up and leave the room.


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