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NSS Cyberiad Crew Record-Rocco Coleman


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Name: Rocco Coleman


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: AB+

General Occupational Role(s): Detective, Brig Physician, Medical Doctor. Sometimes takes up other roles such as Cook or Janitor.



One of the most recent in a long line of doctors and other medical personnel, Rocco Coleman attended the Gregory Cox medical school, where his ability and calm demeanor were noticed by his teachers and others in the field of medicine. Unfortunately, his lax work ethic, lack of empathy, and lax attitude aggravated his family and eventually caused their estrangement from him.

With little more than his medical license and a burning desire to go to space, Rocco picked up a job at Nanotrasen and came to work on the NSS Cyberiad as a Medical Doctor. Once he noted how the prisoners in the Brig of the Cyberiad frequently went without medical aid, he requested a change to Brig Physician, which was accepted. Ever since, he has worked primarily as a Brig Physician, treating prisoners and officers, working with security, and being lumped in with the rest of the Security/Shitcurity department.

Recently he's started to take up the role of Detective, not quite wanting to participate in all the problems of a security officer but still wanting to help respond.



Medical License

Knowledge of Space Law

A little bit of knowledge of combat, both unarmed and with seclites and batons (Still decidedly unrobust)


Employment Records [Clearance:HR/Head of Personnel]:

Currently employed at Nanotrasen.

Previously employed as a doctor at a busy Space London hospital, noted for frequently assisting and working with security and law enforcement. Displayed interest working on an outer space installation, especially for Nanotrasen.

6/13/2015: Rocco Coleman is employed by Nanotrasen as part of the medical department. The vessel he works on is the NSS Cyberiad.

6/20/2015: Rocco Coleman changes job to Brig Physician, learns Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure.

1/9/2016: Rocco Coleman returns to work after a several-month-long absence.


Security Records [Clearance: Security]:

No outstanding records.


Medical Records [Clearance: Medical]:

No missing, assisted, or mechanical limbs or organs.


Personnel Photo:




Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes:

*Very chill and calm, even when encountering scary/supernatural/scary supernatural situations.

*Doesn't smoke.

*IC pet peeves:

**Being lumped in with Security/Shitcurity (Being asked to make arrests as a Brig Physician being one example)

**Spiders (he's actually quite scared of them)

**Arguing among coworkers


Edited by AzyWng
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