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Jobs Interface


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Would be useful to have a Jobs Interface for each department; it is effectively a list of jobs for that department.


The Captain and the AI would have the authority to add and delete jobs and set their priority, as would heads for their department job list. When a job is added, it can be set to broadcast to the department, or assigned to specific personnel whom it will be PDAed to; the new job will also be timestamped along with the identity of the job creator. The creator can also choose to receive a PDA alert when a job is completed, and assigned (along with the time, name and position of the person that self-assigned the job).


A console at the bridge or in the Captain's Office has full access to all job lists.


The members of each department would be able to interface with their department jobs list via their PDA, and can set the status of a job they're assigned to to In Progress or Completed (only the Captain, AI and department head can assign people other than the user), or assign an open job to themselves; a timestamp and user ID is added to each such modification. Duly authorized personnel can de-assign personnel and reset a job to Open status.


Jobs and their changelogs can be printed.


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