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Minor changes to atmos tech access

Mrs Dobbins

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It would be very nice to be able to use the engi outpost mass drivers.

If the station is going to shit in a non-atmos way, it is always nice to be able to load up a pipe dispenser, as many airlock and APC electronics as possible and colonise the construction site. Being able to use the mass drivers would be a great help in that regard.

Atmos techs also have no easy way of getting to a vending machine to get signalers etc, which makes anomalies unpleasant, and involves charging up to primary tool storage to grab one.

There is also no tool vending machine close to atmosia (that an atmos tech has access to), and resupply involves digging into the lockers.

Engivends are also off limits to atmos techs, which means that they (ironically) can't get hold of air alarm circuits without hacking. I appreciate that an atmos tech's job isn't to build stuff, but when atmos is set up and nothing bad is happening, improving atmos is maint is always a good side-project.

Converting the old gravity generator into some kind of tool storage (and signallers and engivends) that atmos has access to would be nice.


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There is a YouTool machine on the engi-outpost that atmos techs can access, though being unable to get circuits for air alarms from engivends is annoying.


Construction site access (what you need for the mass drivers i believe) would also be nice, but normally isn't that difficult to request from a HoP assuming they aren't off abusing the all-access they inevitably give themselves / are actually on station.


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Its easier to do the two varedits to the windoors required to give atmos techs access to the windoors that are in front of the massdrivers than ask every time I want to rebuild the outpost.

In fact, I'll do that tomorrow, along with adding an airlock to the outpost.

If I can remember how github works


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I think the buttons for the massdrivers also check access, not sure off hand though.


I'd remove one of the massdrivers and replace it with an airlock, leave 2 for launching more stuff. With LINDA, we don't need huge airlocks (or even cycling ones really), so you'd be able to make a small one like the ones where the ERT shuttle docks with arrivals.


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Eh even though they are hell to map, I'd prefer we keep the proper airlocks wherever possible.


The one the ERT shuttle docks with is a proper one, it can cycle and be used for entry/exit. It's just compact, which is what I was mainly emphasizing we should aim for with any airlocks on the outpost (plus, that sized one would fit perfectly in the space already used by a single massdriver)


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After mucking about with DM for half an hour, I learn that the mass drivers are currently not working on the outpost, and I can't figure out whats wrong with them. the doors won't open, but I can't see whats wrong with them in the vars.

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