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Age: Undefined

Gender: Male

Race: Slime

Blood Type: N/A

General Occupational Role(s): Captain, Chaplain


Biography: is an older Slime, that is for sure. He is average height, around 5'9", and emits a greenish hue from his slime. His slime has many visible tissue scars throughout it, from countless battles of old. He lived on a settlement in Xarxis 5, on a largely uninhabited plains area. There was little food there, and the group had resorted to hunting of wildlife nearby. quickly became an efficient hunter, and until his settlement was discovered by Nanotrasen's officials, he was appointed the leader of the small tribe. Once discovered, the group was quickly offered jobs, however declined, saying that it was dishonourable to work for a company decimating his homeland. He was offered an education of his choice, but still declined. Ready to give up, the Officials turned to leave, when a hostile member of ' tribe shouted from the distance. He was angry, and held a spear made of stick and stone. He charged the officials, for reasons unknown to this day. The Officials raised their weapons, but before a shot could be fired, the butt of ' spear had collided with the hostile Slime's head. The slime toppled, and was taken into custody by the Officials, and was offered a reward for defending them; anything of his choice. He chose to be given a ship-- a simple, small star cruiser. spent the next ten years exploring space, and fighting grand battles in several systems, before eventually returning to Nanotrasen to accept education and a job. He worked for three years before being injured greatly on the job, and perishing beyond repair. Temporarily. (cont. in Medical Records)


Qualifications: Captaincy, hand-to-hand combat, combat with a melee weapon, combat with a firearm, religious teachings, basic understanding of space pod flight.


Employment Records: Has been recorded with the following careers.




Often takes "vacation time" aboard the NSS Cyberiad, simply lounging aboard the station, assisting in small ways.


Security Records: N/A


Medical Records: ' body was damaged beyond repair in a fatal accident. His slime core was retrieved, however it was mistaken for a space slime's core. The core was frozen and stored, until very recently, it was removed by a Xenobiologist. The Slime Woman, Shirell Larkens, had had her body burnt to a crisp during a station accident, some time after this.. She was killed beyond the possibility of cloning, however with the scientific discovery of Solomon by NSS Cyberiad Chemist NTSAM, she was revived. Her body, however, was still damaged, and her slime was not rejuvenating itself properly. The idea of merging a wild slime's core with her was tossed around, however instead of merging with a wild slime core, she was accidentally fused with the core of For one week, she suffered from Bipolar Personality Disorder, going from her normal bubbly self to an angry, violent person. One day, while in a Centcomm recovery wing, her body began to split. The slime peeled, and from her  was reborn. Shirell is still recovering from trauma, primarily from her brush with death, however has continued work at the NSS Cyberiad with a new sense of valor after having been revived. The two were both given synthetic Slime flesh in order to retain their regular sizes and heights.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text): **The image shows a green slime man with large, wide eyes staring at the camera. The slime is smiling widely, and the small bits of his chest that are visible show off bronze armor, a black scarf, and a hide mantle. The top of his head is styled in a human's military haircut.



Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: speaks quite loud, and has only spoken quietly on two recorded occasions, apart from when he was inhabiting Shirell Larkens' body.


Edited by MrBarrelrolll
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...Shirell Larkens, had had her body burnt to a crisp. She was killed beyond the possibility of cloning, however the scientific discovery of Solomon by NSS Cyberiad Chemist NTSAM, she was revived...

:D I'm remembered!



EDIT: Aaah, those were the good old days, when I was an actually decent person.


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