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Mining Station Suggestions


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I've done quite a bit of mining on Paradise and I have some suggestions for the mining station.


The first one is a bit of a no-brainer. The O2 closets in the airlocks shouldn't be the free-standing type. They always get moved around by the suction of the air cycling. Instead, they should be mounted on the wall, like what the shuttles have.


The second suggestion might be an intentional design choice, but I'd figure I'd mention it. I think the dormitory area of the station should have a room with cryobeds. It would make it much easier for a miner that has to log off of a shift early.


Just my two cents.


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I don't mean to be a downer on suggestions, but DZD is currently working on porting the mining overhaul, so we're trying not to do anything for mining until it's done to keep things simpler to transition or to judge what needs to be tweaked and fixed easier.


Mining is undergoing an overhaul and at an undetermined time it will be unveiled. The asteroid needs work, but from the sounds of it we are getting an entirely new (asteroid) map to accommodate for things like monster caves and mining vendors.


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