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Full shift marathon


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As the title suggests, this is what I'd like to have some time. A full shift marathon, lasting 8-10 hours.


It would cause the station and its crew to go through every level of god awful scenario before the shift ends. Everyone joining in would have to show off every bit of skill and effort they have at SS13.


I'm talking about:

-Fixing up massive hull breaches?

-A massive fleet of robotic helpers to deal with the excess amount of cleaning and medical help required

-Botany pretty much being forced to employ the highest of quality of fertilizer to deal with the demand for food

-Massive viral outbreaks that need to be dealt with

-Glorious high-tech applications due to the level of research

-Mining's finest hour (1m+ ore at least!)

-The actual ability to have jail-related roleplay seeing a shift this long is going to inevitably have people in the permabrig.

-Massive mandatory pizza and booze party

-Engineering/atmospherics expanding the station to deal with the influx of assistants

-People given random traitor objectives so there's shit going down


In short, a massive shift with massive victory conditions (if any?).

What do you guys think, is this doable? ;o


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Nope, not here at least, the new people hardly stand one and a half hour, which is super fukken short compared to a five hour shift or even a three hour one, because those have happened already too.

It would be just shitfest 2014, maybe on Sigurd though.


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I'd love to have something like that, but we would have more SSD people than playing people, and the spider/crazy machine events would be a little more of an issue. We would need competent people working in engineering and medical, so a little burn wouldn't mean death and end of the round for you, or a despresurized hallway wouldn't force a shuttle call.


A long shift would be lovely, i could mess with the comms setup or the atmos layout to make them "better". But as i said, we need people to actually do their job and not fuck up, good luck achieving that.


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Well, it's meant to be a challenge. Whether the crew succeeds is another question.


I can imagine cent comm saying something along the lines of:

"Look here you little shits, you've been having short shifts all the time now. This needs to end. We hired full-timers, not part-timers. You just try ending the shift prematurely, we double dare you."


If we'd have some active admins, they could just recall the shuttle instantly or at least so much as make it uncallable (or is that only possible during DS?)


People going SSD would indeed be a problem. We'd need an active force removing sleeping people and dumping them in cryogenics.


If any such event would be attempted, it would also be important to tell the regulars about it so they know when it is.


What could be done as well is that half-way during the shift cent comm sends an inspector, triggering an end-shift if things look too bad.


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