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Klara Trovato

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Name: Klara Trovato

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Race: Tajaran

Ethnicity: Zhan-Khazan

Blood Type: O+


Home System: Sol

Citizenship: Mars

Faction: NanoTrasen

Religion: Catholic


Mental Status: Stable

Physical Status: Active



Klara was born on Mars to a Tajaran who had fled Adhomai. Reasons for this remain unknown. When she was young, her mother married a human business owner. To say the living arrangement was unusual would be putting it lightly. Her mother still had a heavy adherence to Tajaran culture, though Klara saw it as pointless and outdated, as she looked around Mars and decided it was only a backward lifestyle which needed replacing. Being one of the only Tajara on Mars, she found her childhood to be rather stressful, with no one to really befriend which wasn't at least somewhat distrustful of Tajara.


As a result, Klara and her stepsister Luca grew closer, and the two at least kept the other in check until they graduated from secondary school. By 18, Klara had joined NanoTrasen as she wanted to explore the galaxy in some form, while working for an established corporation. She had expected her sister to join with her, but was disappointed to see Luca working for Sol Central, a fact which would drive a rift between the two as Klara suspected that she'd be untrustworthy in the future.


See 'Employment Records' for further information.


Employment Records:

Qualifications and Certifications:

- Weapons Professional

- Trained in Close Combat

- Trained in Forensics

- Trained in NanoTrasen Law

- Trained in Command

- Trained in Heavy Machinery Operation (Combat Mech Specialization)

- Trained in Medicine

- Trained in Anatomy


Employment Records:

Since joining the corporation, Klara has had a meritorious service. After an initial rotation through various jobs in her early days as she received forensic training, she was quick to adjust to the role of a detective and was not one to stand by idly as a station was threatened. That was what rapidly jumped her from Detective to Head of Security by saving and protecting a Captain, when the Blueshield of the day was unable to do so. This action brought her a promotion, which she really didn't want at the time, and some minor recognition.


Due to her actions in protecting a captain, Klara was trained as a Blueshield, a job which she does solely due to proficiency in wrangling heads of staff and ensuring their survival above all else.


Security Records:

By and large, Klara has a clean security record, with only a few blemishes. She#39s had altercations with Security as a Blueshield for being hot headed and quick to harm, performing illegal actions in defense of her heads of staff.


Medical Records:

Mostly fit and healthy, Klara has lost her right arm and right leg, having them replaced with robotic prostheses. She received a new, mechanical heart after extensive damage to her chest caused her natural one to cease functioning. Her eyes were replaced with mechanical eyes after another accident on the job, one which involved a screwdriver and telekinesis, and a least one rather painful #34prank#34 by her stepsister Luca. Otherwise she#39s as healthy as a Tajaran woman can get at her age.


Klara has been noted on records, for quite a while, as being a known vampire and actively working with NanoTrasen due to the fact she can keep herself in check, which appears to be a relative rarity. Unlike many, she keeps thirst in check most of the time, which causes a falling off of her abilities during that period. She remains as no threat as she is not driven by the need for blood.


Mental Evaluation:

While mentally stable, Klara has a particular hatred of the Unathi for currently unknown reasons, or at least reasons that she will not share. She is also known for having a negative disposition toward other Tajarans, seeing them as freeloaders and lazy. Typically shrugs off generally racist remarks, but is known to threaten violence for more overt and hostile remarks directed at her.



Klara has a single, older sister and is the second oldest member of the Trovato family. She has no children, as she has never married.


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes:


Edited by Guest
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