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Mechanic - Towing other pods?


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Mechanic is hardly a necessary role to have filled, and this isn't a situation I've run into often, but at times in space you run into empty pods, and some not so empty. I recall once trying to find a way to rescue someone from a pod, I don't know if they were dead, dying or SSD, but an admin confirmed someone was inside, and we weren't able to come up with a way to get them out and take them stationside short of blowing up the pod. Which I'd rather not do.


So, what if there were a spacepod component that enabled you to tow other pods? I mean, you are a mechanic, towing is definitely something that fits the job. And the idea of bringing back an extra civilian or security pod for station/security use, while not using the materials to build them, sounds pretty neat.


Maybe a mechanic to allow the emergency ejection of a dead/ssd/unconscious pilot, too.


I don't have any idea if these are even remotely feasible codewise, or worth the effort, but I figured I'd toss it out there.


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Yeah, I'm no programmer so I can't even begin to imagine what kind of work it would take or if the game itself would be able to manage it well enough to be worth it, but I figured it was worth a suggestion!


And definitely, being able to pull pilots out would be fantastic. But I've only encountered a single situation where I felt like it was necessary. Then again I don't do mechanic too often, either.


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