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Sheak's Big List o' Wiki Gripes


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I'm bored at work, so here I am, wading through the wiki and pointing out dead links and obvious fuckups. These are organized by section.


If I can make changes myself (I haven't tried yet) then I'll just do that and mark them off as I complete them. If not, GIMME THE JUICE!



-Main page -

Station name is NSS Exodus, which is baaaad.

Link for ROLEPLAY is dead.

There is no thumbnail for IA Agent.

Link for Customs Officer is dead.

Link for Clown and Mime are dead.

Vox raider and Cortical borer have no thumbnails.

ERT has no thumbnail.


-All sub pages

Links for Nuclear Agent and Death Squad Officer are DEAD!

Quicklink back to JOBS main page is dead.


-Head of Personnel -

Just... so many dead links... dear god, it's... it's horrible.


-Head of Security -

Just as many dead links as HoP.


-Chief Engineer -

Same thing, dead linkapalooza.


-Research Director -

Same, it seems these dead links are MOSTLY locations.

Guides to Xeno and Toxins links are dead as well.


-Chief Medical Officer - ... al_Officer

Two dead location links.

Dead link to Virology 101.


-Security Officer -

Location links.

Stun baton link is dead.

Headset and Locker links are dead.

Holy god, all of the security equipment links are dead!

Shitcurity page links on all pages are dead!


-Warden - you get the idea

Locations dead.

Red Alert link dead.



Location links.

Equipment links

Equipment thumbnails.

Syndicate Items pagelink is dead.



Location links.



Lawyer page dead. How dare you!

Head of Staff page dead (Could just redirect to Heads on the main jobs page)

Dead links for CentCom and NT.


-Station Engineer


Robust page link dead.


-Atmos Tech

Dead links abound!






Location links.

No thumbnail!

No supply crates linky worky.


-Cargo Tech

Dead links. For shame.


-Shaft Miner


Equipment Thumbnails.

Ore chart is terribad, no active thumbnails, redlinks everywhere!



Nobody cares about botany.


-Medical Doctor

Location, chemistry, ooc, IC, sleep toxin links dead.



Holy shit. I answered my own question, apparently I CAN add to pages. YAY!




I decided this is pointless. I'm fixing the wiki, don't stop me, you'll only get hurt. A MAN MUST DO AS A MAN MUST DO.


If you'd like to help, that'd be rad, the wiki should be helpful. Instead, I'll list things I've changed by copying the recent changes log into a post here. Whooooo!


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