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Mixed Mode


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I think everyone here at least played one round where thanks to the admins, there were multiple kind of antags. Changelings and vampires, vampires and traitors, cultists and xenos, wizards and traitors, maybe all of them at once. It's chaotic, it's intense, you can still roleplay (unlike nukies, blob, etc) and it's !!FUN!!. What if it was a game mode on its own? Well, I made this thread so we can discuss it!


I have two methods in mind that could make it work. Note that these are just theories and by no means are complete as a usable concept. All numbers are totally made up and do not carry any sense of balance - I just made them up.




When mixed is chosen, the game will pick from two antag types from the following pool: traitor, changeling, vampire, wizard, ninja (it's gonna be readded soon-ish as far as I know), borer. Maybe more antags. Then according to the player count, it'd spawn the appropriate number of antags. For example, for a 40 man round: 3 vampires, 2 changelings, or 2 traitors and a wizard. You get the point.




When mixed is chosen, both the number of the antags AND the types will be chosen according to the number of players. Traitors and either lings or vampires (possibly both, depending on how many player ready up) will always be added. For example, for a 20 man round, we could have two traitors and a changeling or a vampire. For a 40 man round, we could have 3 traitors, 2 vampires and a ling. And maybe, if 60 players ready up, we could have 3 traitors, 2 vampires, 2 lings and a wizard.


AGAIN, these are just VERY rough ideas. Please chip in with your two cents so we can make this game mode happen one day.


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I am okay with this, as long as it doesn't happen too frequently - the mixed antagonist rounds are a massive nightmare for security, as it's hard to tell what the hell they should be looking for, even once an antagonist I caught.


Also, add cult to that list.


Lastly, make the antag types have a high tendency to oppose one another. That way the station is both faces antagonist threats but also has to deal with being caught in the crossfire between rival factions. Maybe traitors and lings could tend to work together, vamps and cult could tend to work together, and both sides tend to antagonize each other.


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One of the main reasons we do this is to avoid meta - ignoring the possibility of traitors or lings because a vampire was seen, for instance.


I often target lings/vamps at each other too, so I support that. It's hilarious.


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Changelings and vampires can be best friends - changeling stasis regenerates blood to full, and vampire shapeshift generates entirely new randomized genomes, so they could easily go back and forth absorbing each other so to speak.

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