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Vampires and Powergaming


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Today, I played a vampire round. Someone asked if spraying everyone with holy water using a fire extinguisher would be powergaming... aaaaaand... it's actually not powergaming. At all.


I personally find this to be a really gamey tactic (even if the chaplain does it), and I believe it takes the fun out of a vampire round by giving security an almost fool-proof method of checking for vampires en-masse. Not all vampires reach full power to be immune to it and yeah... I think it's just a really shitty thing to do and I'd like if it would be considered powergaming, and thus it'd be against the rules.


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I enjoy having them brigged for assault as a Grey.


Holywater is a problem though - the ability to make it in chem or have the Chaplain mass produce it just seems against the theme alltogether.


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Powergaming is playing to win, mass production of holy water and aimlessly and cluelessly slashing it on everyone is playing to win.

the same would go for a security tasing people dragging them to the church and wait for a second.

so who said Mass-holy-water-fire-extinguisher is not powergaming


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