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Grief enhancing suggestion: creepers


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Before you think it, no not minecraft creepers.


While abusing xenobotany, I noticed that sometimes when you plant vines, it spawns an invisible simple mob named a creeper. I have no idea what it does besides sit there and for all I can tell its a placeholder mob.


But it made me think of something we could possibly do to enhance further the tribulations of the vine.


Currently, the mutation controlling vines ranges between 0 and 2; 0 being no, 1 being thin vines, and 2 being kudzu vines.

There's also a mutation that controls carnivorism, which the vine code looks at and ranges between 0 and 2; 0 being no, 1 being eats weeds, 2 being eats pests. Carnivorism 2 and spread 2 means that it will be kudzu that also does a little brute damage and sucks blood from its victims in addition to strangling them and filling them with chems (yes this is an actual mechanic, and yes you can make kudzu vines from blood tomatoes and poppies that inject bicardine and blood while sucking blood and doing brute. Dialysis vines.)


Edit: I have been corrected, and apparently weed eating and parasite eating are different genes. Carnivorous 2 still does the whole nom thing but carn 1 is still pest-eating.


The idea: For spread 2 vines;


If they have carnivorism 1 then they'll occasionally spawn little creeper vines as they grow that patrol within the vine area. The creepers are passive mobs, but will attack anyone who approaches a vine tile with a vine-effecting weapon drawn such as a welding tool or a scythe. They could also drag people laying down into the vines.


If they have carnivorism 2, then they'll be aggressive instead.


Maybe for antang !!fun!! they could ignore the person that planted them unless they start attacking the vines/creepers?


I'm sure this'll be nothing but !!fun!! and entertainment and totally a great idea.


You could also maybe make the creepers harvest from the vines from time to time. ( Yes you can harvest from vines just as if they were plants in a tray, and no there's no visual indication when a vine is ripe enough to do so from; you have to actually click on it to find out. )


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