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Mining Scanners


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What do I want? Mining scanners.


What they are: Handheld devices, currently with the same sprite as an Analyzer.


What they do: Scan a 5x5 square, centered on the user, and give the user an idea of what ores (Diamonds, Uranium, Gold, etc.) are under their feet. The user has to be wearing Optical Meson Scanners for it to work and, if this even needs to be said, it only functions on the Asteroid.


Why do we need them? Because currently there is effectively no skill involved in the use of the large mining drills; an operator has to just drill in random places, and hope for the best. This can mean R&D does not get the materials they need for, in extreme cases, up to an hour.


How can we get them? We already have them. They're in the code, ready to go. I've even made a Pull Request on GitHub that adds ten of them - Four in the Mining Dock (in the lockers), three on the Mining Station (Under the hardsuits), and three in the secondary mining station (in the lockers as well). All the admins need to do is merge the pull request, the work is done.


Why should anyone care? If you don't play Science or Cargo, then I have no real reason for you to. Mining is an unloved job, one that is often transferred out of, and I think it should at least be a tad easier to supply R&D so the miners can have a little more time to explore the asteroid and actually enjoy themselves. Being stuck next to the drills all shift isn't very fun.


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Are they fully coded? They may be a sprite and nothing more.



Also, you will need to use the map merge if you want your changes added, its under tools and VERY easy to use.


1. Yes. I talked to the guy who wrote the scanners. They're actually on nearly every Baystation-derived server (that uses the same mining system we do).


2. Map merge, eh? Didn't know that was a thing, thanks. I'll go do that right now.


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Exactly, Paradise stopped fully being part of bay many months ago and at best just nabs a few things from their codebase. (Such as pAI, but even that needed a good bit of work)


The mining system also got a minor rework when the drills were added, so anything could have been changed then.


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Exactly, Paradise stopped fully being part of bay many months ago and at best just nabs a few things from their codebase. (Such as pAI, but even that needed a good bit of work)


The mining system also got a minor rework when the drills were added, so anything could have been changed then.


I was there when this mining system was ported over, and I discussed at length with Zuhayr - the system's coder - what I'd have to do to port these over. I even linked him to our GitHub so he could look over it. All of the code for the scanner is already present; they were simply never added into the map.


I have tested them locally; they work fine.


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