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Space Twit


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Complex suggestion:


Add a space twit app to all activated NT pdas, and automatically be listed on it with a synch'd id to the pda. Requires operational pda server.


When you go into the app, you see a list of all people on space twit. You can click them for a log of their twits and for an option to subscribe. If you subscribe, you will receive a pda message- like notification whenever they space-twit something.


How do you space twit? Well that's easy. You would need to have an id-activated pda with the id you're wearing on your person at some point, probably in your pda slot. All you then do is say something, prefixing it with a '#'. ie: "say #captain is a fag"


This will log it in your space twit and notify any subscribers of what you said.


As an additional feature, you can hold your pda in your hand and use the double hashtag, ie ##, to also take a selfie and attach it to your space twit. The picture is centered behind your character (your character is on a side and it takes a picture behind you) to capture all the glory.


Example: "say ##just slipped the captain ;P HONK" while standing next to the slipped captain with your back to them would twit that message along with a selfie photo centered at the back of you for all to view.


For balance sakes I guess the picture couldn't pick up on runes or something, and has limited detail, because its a shitty pda camera.


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We need a way to make really long photos so you can selfie yourself in front of the singularity as an engineer.


I wonder how impossible it would be to have the pictures register in a line rather than as they do now? Like, it takes all the sprites in a 3x30 line, then stands them up on end and puts them infront of a backdrop while honouring z-depth and scales down with distance?


Like, engineer takes a selfie in the pa room, engineer sprite is on the picture taking most of the space in the corner left or right, in the back it draws like the particle accelerator sprite, then a window, an emitter shield with singuloth behind? idk sounds complicated.


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Sounds awesome


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I'm just waiting for the day the nukeops find the disk because the Captain Tweeted about it


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I think that would be great but also a bunch of work.


In case this might not happen or be pushed back for some time, i would still love to have the option to simply use the PDA as a camera that could print photos. I think that could greatly benefit when you try to report a crime to security or frame someone. Like holding the pda in your hand and click a tile and snap a photo of the bartender pointing his weapon at someone ..


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