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The other guy


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Hi there,


I'll be your other host for Paradise Station. I'm a 29 year old tech support drone, who likes playing SS13 to unwind. I'm Necaladun's next door neighbour and will be co-hosting the server with him.


Looking forward to coming up with some ideas and concepts for the server. I've played pen and paper role-playing games since I was a kid. I enjoy fantasy and science fiction, both reading and writing. I think that Byond and SS13 has a great potential to create ongoing stories, I'm hoping to find ways to develop that potential further and find new uses for the existing game elements.


I like to play peaceful and helpful roles on the station, you generally won't see me robusting much or playing antagonists but I might occasionally just to keep people guessing. My skills in SS13 are basically focused around engineering, chemistry, medicine and surgery. Don't ask me how to make grenades, blow things up or be a changeling because I won't know the answers.


I'd like to learn virology, but haven't had a proper chance yet. Keen to give it a try if anyone wants to show me the ropes.


I play multiple roles and sometimes just create new characters, but I have a few recurring PCs.


Kiana Ender: An NT loyalist who usually works in command and bureaucracy, you'll see her around as a HoP most commonly though she's ocassionally found working directly for NT as a representative or organizing an Emergency Response Team.


Nicholas Bennet: A doctor skilled in many elements of medicine. He sometimes manages to be CMO, but his lack of politics and ambition might leave him as just a doctor, surgeon or chemist.


Nathan Bennet: An engineer and Nicholas' older brother. He'll often be a maintenance engineer or an atmospherics technician. Although better at NT politics than the more innocent Nicholas, his preference for hands-on work and a blunt streak often keeps him out of command as well.


Eli Al'taj: A Tajaaran hippy who enjoys the simple things in life. You might see him around botany or in the kitchen doing his best to keep the crew happy and fed.


Grandpa Mcmullen: This character was entirely inspired by a random name Byond chose for me. He's the oldest assistant in Nanotrasen who has learned every trick in the book to avoid ever doing work or being given responsibility. No one is quite certain whether he's actually senile or just enjoys mis-remembering history in his meandering rambling stories.


Look forward to seeing you on the NSS Cyberiad.


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