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Child Support

Flipping Out

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All in all it was a regular shift.


Officer Flip Kirkston had just joined, and had begun his patrols, when he heard the screams of a woman! This valiant man went in search of the woman, and found her crying. It had appeared that the woman, Teresa Dark (an ICP) was the mother of a baby, the father, Roy, had pissed off somewhere, never to pay child support again. This grieving mother told a tale of woe, a tale of how her baby was stolen by the Paramedic. Kirkston saw the injustice, and immediately made his fellow officers find this baby, and when found, brought the grieving mother to the security wing. Unfortunately, the baby had been deep fried and grilled. The CMO said there was nothing that could be done for the poor chap, but Flip knew he must try. Barging into surgery, he began operating on the toddler, with a little medical knowledge, and a lot of praying, in half an hour the baby was saved. Giving the baby to the mother, he proceeded to leave, only to encounter his dear old friend, Babycakes the clown. After a brief chat, they set off to the bar for some food for the tired mother, when suddenly a space carp busts in through the window. Only one thing was on its mind, eating Teresa's tasty wiring. He threw himself in front of the woman, and drew his stun gun, Firing at the carp, he downed it. But not before it broke his and Teresa's hand. Babycakes took flip in to surgery, after he gave Teresa a stun baton to protect herself with. Babycakes promplty fixed Flip's hand. Over the comms, Roy was screaming for help, not wanting this baby's father to die, he asked for someone to go to his location. After all of this, Teresa returned, with a new hand, she thanked Flip for everything, and said she would settle down in a bungalow with Flip and Junior. This was when CC announced that the shift was over, and they hurried aboard the shuttle, dragged apart by the never-ending tide of assistants.


They never saw each other again.


Unfortunately, Flip was left holding the baby, and has for the last shift being caring for him. NT does not stock baby sized hardsuits, so it was rather hard for him to repair hull breaches with a baby, and his only forseeable future is drinking himself into a stupor and hoping she comes back.


tl;dr, come get your baby damnit


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