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Heinrich Schroder


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Name: Heinrich Schroder

Age: 53

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: O+

General Occupational Role(s): Head of Security, Warden, Captain


Biography: Heinrich was born on earth to a middle class family somewhere in northern Germany. His mother died at an early age and Heinrich quickly took after his father. He studied in law and leadership, hoping for an early command position, as had his father and supposedly his father before him.

Dealing with the lack of employment on Earth, he was lucky enough to find a job as a security guard on a mining colony on Mars. Spending a few years there, he was later moved to an off planet military vessel where practicing self defense and disarming techniques made him dangerous to get close to, and Heinrich never forgot his skills. Though he is far more deadly with a gun in his hand, as he never stopped practicing with this. He advanced steadily in rank, and at some point in time he was promoted to Head of Security aboard one of nanotrasens research stations. Heinrich, having received only a fraction of information about possible activity from an enemy corporation, quickly organized a defense when fully geared soldiers tried to breach the science department. The firefight was bloody and short. Some officers sustaining permanent injures and in the fighting, Heinrich got his left hand mangled by a stray laser beam. Though this was quickly replaced with a mechanical one, earning him to an even more menacing look if he didn't look terrifying from before. The team was quickly dispatched thanks to his reaction time, saving valuable prototypes from falling into enemy hands and consequently also executing the surviving agents. After this he also managed to form his own personal team of loyalists under his command dedicated to rooting out any inactivity, incompetence or enemy affiliation. He kept this team secret until they contacted him again. Despite this the corporation, being impressed by the safekeeping of their research saw value in Heinrich as a new asset in the line of command. He hardly ever moved out of this line of proffession, taking a liking to maintaining order and asserting authority. After only 2 years of service on the minor research facility he transfered to the NSS Exodus where he had a five year contract. After this he again moved on, still maintaining his high rank he hopes to explore more commanding positions. The NCS Cyberiad, having a myriad of strange stories and great reputation intrigued Heinrich and he was again designated as Head of Security.




- Law degree


- Masters degree in leadership


- Certificate in security management


- Hand to hand combat training


- Training in ranged weaponry and maintenance



Employment Records:

Security officer


Head of Security


Security Records: N/A


Medical Records: He visited a psychiatrist once when his officers shared a bit concern in his thought process, though he denied anything extreme ever crossing his mind.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 5'9 with a very average build. No facial hair, a clean haircut. Red eyes, very light skin color and a mechanical left hand. Likes wearing fabulous hats.


Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes: Slightly unpredictable


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Oh yeah, yer that fantastic german security character - I love it! ;)


Was great working one shift with ya, with the changeling and all. To bad it escaped. :x


So sorry yer to find yer dead at the chapel, but at least I brought yer corpse aboard the shuttle. Hope yer got yerself cloned at SentCom, sir! :|


Looking forward working future shift with yer! Stay safe! :)


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So sorry yer to find yer dead at the chapel, but at least I brought yer corpse aboard the shuttle.


Yeah, that round was really messy what with the disease and all ... Ended up killing me pretty quickly.


Pretty sure there were like 3/4 changelings that round 2 of which we incinerated ... Or was that another round? idk my memory, just so you know, is absolutely terrible. And i do mean terrible.


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Well, while I had incarcerated the changeling that was under "investigation", at least two other changelings were destroyed. Yes, a pretty bussy shift that one. When I see anything that even remotely looks like virus, I pick my extended oxygen flask from my webbings and use internal without fail. Why do you think Me is balding? Viiirruuuuzzzz! :x

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I thought he was bald to begin with...
His behavior, accent, hair, cyberlegs, skill-set: It's all very thought through and has its reason for being that way. Try talking to him without any headgear, and you'll also figure out one of his biggest weaknesses (you probably need to give him an order to do that, though). ;)


NB: You should have met Me when he got braindamage that somehow would not be cured (bug I believe). :lol:


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