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Its the economy, stupid!


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Alright, so we all know that Space Cash is currently deeply flawed. Its only used for certain vending machines, and for limited role-playing purposes. This suggestion seeks to change that and introduce a true persistent economy within the server.


Most important change:

Account totals should persist across rounds and be tied to the players BYOND account. Pay should only be awarded at the end of rounds, with the amount dependent on personal performance. Demoted personnel, civilians, and the dead get nothing. This gives additional incentive to survive and act like trained professionals rather than trained monkeys.


Minor changes:

Remove the accounts console from command. Place it somewhere else that's even more secure, restrict it to Nanostrasen Officials.


Remove various space cash littered about the station.


Add examine-labels to all company property to discourage illegal resell. Non-hacked auto-lathe/proto-lathe should apply this mark automatically.


Make vending machines modifiable, allowing people to add items and direct the flow of cash to their personal account. (Illegal)


Revamp the supply console to only accept Space Cash for buying smuggled goods. (Contraband crate/Etc)


Stipulate in Space Law that no one can demand cash for performing their official duty's. (Chef can't charge for food, he's payed by Nanostrasen to cook.)


Random event, "Vending Shuttle" docks at Arrivals.


Company Store?


Export Mechanic?


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Waaay too complex for something that will hardly be used and hardly make the game more enjoyable.

I really don't know why we need to "revamp" the economy system, this isn't Baystation and any system would have to very complex and cause problems with many other aspects of the game.


Isn't it fine as is? A non essential, fluff type system that NOBODY is forced to use.


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Isn't it fine as is? A non essential, fluff type system that NOBODY is forced to use.


Oh. Hello there. Going through costums? Sure Just, fill that paper right there.. Oh.. Forgot.. Administration fees. *hands in EFTPOS*

Hi! Welcome to the Nanotrasen Recruitment Centre!.. Sure, just fill this paperwork and.. Oh! You have to pay your signup fees. *Hands in EFTPOS*

Welcome to the greasy griever. We serve free beers and basic water for the sissies.. What's that? Want a specialty? That'll cost you.. *Hands in EFTPOS*



People can be evil without any effort. All it takes is a bit of willpower :)


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