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Karma Role: Tourist


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Due to budget cuts, Nanostrasen has resorted to allowing tourists aboard its research stations.


Begins at the arrivals with the following items:

Tacky Shirt

Baseball Cap


Travel Wallet. (Like a regular wallet but identifys the person as a tourist and starts with *lots* of Space Cash.)

Travel PDA. (Has a cartridge that allows the tourist to post reviews of the various amenity's aboard the station.)

Suitcase. (Contains a camera, change of cloths, a passport, and a random embarrassing item.)


The tourists job is to spend money and enjoy their vacation. If something happens that prevents this then they may post a bad review. If the reviews pass a certain threshold either positive or negative, then Centcom may get involved.


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why does this need to be a karma role and not a civilian alt title/job like the surgeon/nurse are for the medical doctor


It's already in the code.


That would be fine, its basically a classier version of a civilian anyway sorta like a Librarian.


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why does this need to be a karma role and not a civilian alt title/job like the surgeon/nurse are for the medical doctor


It's already in the code.


That would be fine, its basically a classier version of a civilian anyway sorta like a Librarian.


Just to make sure this is clear, the Librarian is actually considered crew. Whilst a civilian is not. Same would go of a tourist. That has certain impacts, and may have more in the future. (Emphasis on may!). The best you can get right now, is for the NT rep/HOP to retitle your ID to Tourist and get fancy clothes from the Autodrobe!


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