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Runetime and Other Cult Pets


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As a humorous addition to cult rounds I propose the ability to convert certain pets such as Ian or Runtime to their demonic counterparts by dragging them over a convert rune and activating as normal. Doing so will cause a name change as well as sprite change to a darker, more sinister version with red eyes. Furthermore, this conversion can be performed even if the pet is dead, reviving them as their new demonic form.


Runtime => Runetime the Demon Cat


Ian => Nar'Ian the Unholy


Crab => Doomcrab (As far as I'm aware there's already a sprite for this).


The evil version of each pet should have more HP as well as new fluff abilities such as demonic meowing/barking as deemed appropriate. They will also count as an additional cultist for the purposes of summoning Nar'Sie or escaping on the shuttle with 5 acolytes (Reasonable as their obvious appearance will make them a target for anyone who sees them).


While intended as a fluff suggestion, used by cultists for fun and as a big fuck you to the CMO/HoP (Bonus points for bringing the pet back to their office after conversion), perhaps future cult rounds could also have custom objectives related to these pets such as bringing them on the shuttle for stealthcult or using them as one of the sacrifices to summon Nar'Sie. This would add some complexity back to cult rounds because currently it's rather easy to accumulate 5-9 cultists and accomplish the cult's objectives.


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Yes, this sounds just on the basis of more DOOMCRAB. The problem I can see with that though, is that the cult may convert pets that are not controlled by players, which ends up getting said pet killed.

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