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Plastic cyborgs


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As the title suggests, why can't we continue NT's drive for using cheaper and shoddy materials whenever possible?


With basic materials research, a new category on the robotics fabricators should open up: Plastic Robot parts. The same as normal robot parts, but uses plastic instead. Also would be nice to have plastic repair parts, that use plastic in their construction in return for being less durable (Plastic internals like actuators and binary etc would also be standard in plastiborgs instead of metal)


Cyborgs built from this material are faster, use less charge during operation, cheaper (due to the absolute ease of making plastic), and have unique sprites (at least in colour/shading.). It would be kind of cool if they were purposely sprited to be smaller in size or otherwise look 'toy-like'.


The major downsides: Much more susceptible to melting, and they require nanopaste to repair instead of welding tools. A couple good laser shots or a raging inferno will take them down to slag in no time.




Possible expansions on the idea could be to use glass/sandstone to make a ceramic composite, or high tier research could use some of the under used materials like tritium or metallic hydrogen, osmium, platinum. Combine it with plastic or plasteel, and plasma to make other kinds of variants. Idk


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While I don't think borgs need much more added to them (right now) it is a pretty cool idea. Suddenly malf AIs can't use plasma as well and we can attack borgs with flamethrowers!

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What I thought of when I read this for some reason was PAI's.

Why not let robotics create a little plastic body for them and maybe give them some simple tools that are helpfull too their master but not useable in any large way. Sort of like having a robotic dog under your command

some idea's too that may be:

A set of dispensable internals.

A little internal printer to print out documents. (Imagine a HoP with a litle plastic robot running around and dispensing the job transfer and additional access forms)

Devices used for sending things to places (wrapping paper, destination tagger, labeler)

A drone like grabber that can grab a food item or paper or things like that to bring it too their master

some other obvious things like flashlights maybe a T-Ray a single roll of gauze that gets refilled when it enters a recharge bay

Etc Etc as long as it can only be used too assist their master and not to fuck around/hack/build/combat with.


Some other ideas might be to let them keep the laws their master gave too them.


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What I thought of when I read this for some reason was PAI's.

Why not let robotics create a little plastic body for them and maybe give them some simple tools that are helpfull too their master but not useable in any large way. Sort of like having a robotic dog under your command

some idea's too that may be:

A set of dispensable internals.

A little internal printer to print out documents. (Imagine a HoP with a litle plastic robot running around and dispensing the job transfer and additional access forms)

Devices used for sending things to places (wrapping paper, destination tagger, labeler)

A drone like grabber that can grab a food item or paper or things like that to bring it too their master

some other obvious things like flashlights maybe a T-Ray a single roll of gauze that gets refilled when it enters a recharge bay

Etc Etc as long as it can only be used too assist their master and not to fuck around/hack/build/combat with.


Some other ideas might be to let them keep the laws their master gave too them.


Mini plastic PAI borgs, make them use the toy mech sprites without the base stand, and have them make higher pitch shifted, quieter versions of the mech sounds complete with REALISTIC sounding foam dart AC10's.


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