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a cargo-orderable 3d food printer


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As in the title. A machine that cargo can order and set up, that starts with some basic supplies installed. The machine can be opened by unlocking with a cargo id and crowbarring, and new/alternate cartridges can be installed to unlock new options. Might even need to make the machine not wrenchable unless unlocked with an ID, so a random civ with a wrench doesn't run off with it.


The machine would be a vendor, and would list various foods based on the installed cartridges and the material available in them. The selection would mostly be semi-uninteresting 3d-printer themed space food, so that if you want real food made with love and care (Or deep fried cereal) you can go to the chef instead.


You, pick what you want, swipe your card and input your pin, and the vendor starts printing. The money goes to the company that sponsors the 3d printer, and in return they buy the station supply points.


The cartridges can be ordered via shuttle, and can also be refilled with things produced on the station like biomass/produce/nutriment and certain chemicals/reagents. The cartridges can also be hacked to allow for spiking food with substances, in the case of antag qm/cargotechs.


This idea can also be expanded to non food articles. Basically a pay autolathe-like machine that you can set up for public access, with proprietary cartridges and a supply-point refund mechanic. Print clothes, or other various misc things. I dunno. Print shitty guns with a chance to explode from plastic in it.


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