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Virology/virus effects/powers? Edited


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A virus tray storage...(aside from the freezer.)


Perhaps a way to clean trays.(this may make the virus crate almost useless)(theres that sterile chemical)


Changes to virus crate-add vials and the holders. Make able to open with virologist rank not cmo.




Ponies was saying something about more benefitting effects and or switching in and out genetic powers.


-bone repair (fractures/brokens)

-brain repair(hematoma and brain damage)

-vision projection(more of an ability to shoot your "view" 10 or so spaces)

-an effect that closes cuts rather quickly

-immortality(your body revives after 5-10 minutes of death)(headless or incinerated can not be healed)

-Healing hands(another ability to slowly heal a person infront?)

-built tough(you cant pass out, prevents being ko'd even if critical)

-built strong(cant be knocked over or disarmed unless your in critical or asleep)

-purity(the virus has no negative effects)(a virus that causes those infected to have no harmful effects from any virus, can be vary useful)(ignores alien infection, meaning you still burst open)

-pyromancer(welp clicky makey hot firez)

-iron skin(recieve less damage)

-pure blood(immunity to all chemicals, so much for getting healed....)

-kill switch(virus will cure itself at some point)(useful for mass curing?)



Add chem master and pill box(clean beakers and make vaccine pills, or other horrible ways to distrubute "medication")



I could list negative effects if you want....


Mutation-causes mutation of the person effected.

Radioactive-virus rapidly mutates inside the infected, making it gain effects and harder to cure.

Knowledged-for some damn reason you're a know it all..and understand all languages.

Reciever- umm are you a human radio? Can hear and use all radio channels.(only general and departments, you dont need a headset anymore....)

More transformation viruses(any mob)(noticed the bee transformation virus is still in code)

Delimb-OHSHIT! Your leg man!

Blind-causes eye damage over time.

Sight-heals eye damage

Sense-you can locate people on the z level

Liquid bones-paralyzes and deforms

Senescence-brute and burns cant be healed. Senescence is in which a cell can not divide, so no healing.



Not the best but w/e thoughts are thoughts.


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Most of it would be really useful, it takes a lot of time to get a good virus, I support this idea, btw make UFB rarer, it is really hard to get rid of it and can be easily acquired, we need some interesting negatives though so it would be hard to get, and maybe make it so viruses could have more than four stages, if you could.

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A lot of these things are way, way, WAY too OP.

Here is a few things I think would be better.



    Toxin resistance / the ability to heal toxin damage slowly (Normally toxin damage can't be passively healed)

    Regeneration - Same as the genetics power, increase the rate you heal brute and burn damage

    Harder skin - Your skin hardens and you take less damage from brute / sharp damage

    No respiratory damage - Your body begins to produce its own inaprovaline, effectively making breathing unnecessary Xray/See infrared/Night vision. This should be the same as the genetics buff, so if something else than Xray is chosen, then the genetics power should be fixed as well.

    Harder bones - Makes you do less pressure damage and makes your bones harder to break

    Universal language - Makes you understand all languages (even binary and alien)




Bad ones



    RATTLE ME BONES! - Makes your limbs shake uncontrollably, can and will break your bones if left untreated (Just like the genetics defect)

    Toxin damage - Makes you take toxin damage at a moderate rate, lethal if left untreated

    Uncontrollable mutation - Virus mutates and changes its antibody string as well as symptoms. Making it hard to cure and the only way to cure it is to directly inject radium into the infected, instead of using a monkey.

    Poor eyesight - Makes it harder and harder to see, eye damage can be permanent if left untreated, and would require surgery / carrots

    Uncontrollable giggles - Makes you giggle for no reason


    Don't know if this should be a disease or a genetics failure

    Tumor / cancer - Fatal is left untreated, hard to notice before it gets dangerous.

    Only way to find it is to wait until it is big enough or injecting (Insert chemical component)

    When chemical is injected it will show up on adv scanners

    Will make you start to take brute damage that can not be healed (like having a broken bone)



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