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Ahren Hawkins


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Name: Ahren Hawkins

Age: 34



Blood Type:B-

General Occupational Role(s):


-Civilian (On Holiday)



[Clearance: Command/Human Ressources]


Little is known about Ahren Hawkins prior to his employment in Nanotrasen facilities.

It is suggested that due to his higher-up education and minor relation with valued Nanotrasen employees, that he comes from a family with Diplomatic ties to Nanotrasen.

He has had no interest, albeit his constant flirting with certain crew members, in any kind of relationship other than co-worker friendship.


[Clearance: Security]

He was recently transferred to this station due to clashes with employees of a previous station. He has since vowed to cut all ties and frequently visit a station psychologist about his rapid escalation of issues.


[Clearance: Command/Human Ressources]


-Higher-up education in Engineering and related duties.

-Higher-up education in Medical and related duties.

-Higher-up education in Command and related duties.

-Training in Security and related duties.

-Perfect memorization of Space Law.

-Perfect memorization of Security and related protocols.

-Minor scientific knowledge, learning from crew members.


[Clearance: Command/Human Ressources]

Employment Records:

Known to slack on the job overtime if not focused on a certain goal.

Easily distracted by minor coworker issues.

Honest at heart in his competences.


[Clearance: Security]

Security Records:

Known to escalate issues rather quickly. Although he has previously escaped from high-security detainment, he is yet to harm any crew member.

He will rather sedate, stun and incapacitate his targets without any kind of harm done to them.



[Clearance: Medical]

Medical Records:

LOG 01:

Patient has lost eyesight in a welding incident.

LOG 02:

Eyesight mechanically restored.


LOG B01 :

Heavy traumatic injury to the left arm. Caused by [REDACTED]

LOG B02:

Traumatic injury stabilized. Mechanical arm placed.



Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

He is measured at 5'6.

He has long, shoulder-lenght hair due to his supposed lack of time to cut it, combined with a small beard, considered hipster by most.

He has common brown eyes, making him indistinguishable from the common folk.

He has a visibly mechanical left arm, and a pair of mechanical eyes.

He has stronger and more visible muscles than average, mostly due to his engineering duties.



Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


Other Notes:


Ahren Hawkins is known as one which excels in the job he chooses to do for an entire shift. He is known as a friendly one without the will or need to harm anyone. He will gladly ask for help if required, and help if needed.


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