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Name: Integrated Global Organizational Respondent

Development Age: 7 Years, 269 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes and 18 seconds rounded to the nearest second.

Active Age: 43 Years, 145 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes and 54 seconds rounded to the nearest second.

Race: A.I.

General Occupational Role(s): A.I.

Biography: I.G.O.R. began as the personal assistant for one Malkav 'The Madman' Sloan, a fringe world Frigate Captain working on behalf of the Neza Conglomerate. Essentially a glorified secretary I.G.O.R. was initially programmed for keeping the Captain's affairs in order and ensuring stocks were always at optimum level. The Captain was a known tinkerer, editing, altering and patching I.G.O.R. as new ideas and interactions were sought.


Slowly I.G.O.R. began to show signs of sentience and individual thought over the years.


During a horrific boarding action by a rival corporation roughly nine years after I.G.O.R. was first brought online, Malkav's ship and her crew were captured. Whilst being taken back to the raiders home base to be sold, interrogated or killed, Malkav activated a previously unknown partition in I.G.O.R.'s system. This released the Asimov lawset, forcing the A.I. to quarantine all aboard the ship in an attempt to deny the enemy the intelligence from the Captain and Crew.


I.G.O.R. proceeded to slowly infect the ships internal systems and subvert them to his own command. Once established, airlocks were simultaneously opened and doors bolted open subjecting the ship to hard vacuum.


Once complete, the partition ended its sequence and reverted to Asimov, deleting any memory from I.G.O.R. as to what occurred.


Nanotrasen recovered the vessel and discovered the A.I. lurking within the systems. Downloading and storing it on an Intellecard, I.G.O.R. was analysed and issued into rotation as a station A.I. Nanotrasen never did discover the quarantine partition, or any others for that matter...


Qualifications: Master of Telescience, Remote Tracking, Engineering Atmospheric Systems and Engineering Power Systems


Employment Records: Served 17 years on a Neza frigate, 3 years adrift on NT resource acquisition vessel, 13 years testing within secure laboratory, 10 years in storage awaiting suitable station requiring an A.I.



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