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Admin complaint - necaladun


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Admin Key: necaladun

Your Discord name (if applicable): Koboldthing#4691

Complaint: Yesterday, during a round of traitors, Katherine Pixel had the objective of hijacking, during which they stocked up on pretty much everything that botany had to offer, from teslium to meth, combustible lemon and more, and proceeded to kill off the entire station, basically. All legit, if somewhat infuriating, and the deadchat, salted over it as one might expect, but was not throwing around insults or were verbally abusive, to call for muting deadchat, to stop all conversations whatsoever, which was a bit of an overreaction, and a form of collective punishment, for basically something, that didn't warrant a punishment at all. There might have been some really abusive clusterf*cks thrown around by one or two person, if there were, I didn't notice it, but if that's the case, why wouldn't they be bwoinked by an admin instead of muting everyone.

I am not making this complaint to bash on an admin, and I do not have any grudges. However, I really do not wish that the server would head towards this sort of direction, and I merely voice my concerns because, although the server is not perfect, but I like it the way it is, I care for it, and I merely wish to speak up and wonder if this sort of administrative decision is/will be the 'norm'.

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Hi there,

I can assure you this isn't intended to be the norm. Deadchat can go from 0-60 very fast, and I already had asked people to calm things down (which was argued with), and muted someone, without any sign of things abating. I was going to turn if off for just a minute or so and remind people to keep a bit calmer, but ended up toggling off my own deadchat and spending an annoying amount of time trying to find the actual verb to toggle deadchat off. Then I had to run away from said hijacker.

By the time I got around to turning it off, it was within 5 minutes of the end of the round. I figured people could do without 5 minutes of salt, and that when the round ended, would be more reasonable in OOC/discord etc. This was true for the most part.

As said - my requests for people to calm the salt was met with people arguing ("Legalize salt") etc. Rather than get into an extended discussion at to why I detest the culture of "salt" on this server - while trying to evade an active hijacker - I decided to shut it down.

To further explain - I find people's attitude towards "salting" incredibly against the culture wanted of this server, especially when it turns into borderline insults and harassment. This is not a healthy approach to gaming or socialization in general, and is an attitude I'd highly like to see changed. I don't however intend the idea of muting deadchat to become the norm at all, and have done so once only in the past week.

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I totally agree that harassment and insults are not wanted, but the 'culture of salting' is part of the game, just like memechems and such, so to say. In this case, I didn't see anyone being insulting or seen 'borderline harassment', (though again, it might have slipped under my radar if there were a few). I'm merely saying, that when half the station gets killed off in the same powergaming manner, of course everyone will pitch in their salt on deadchat as soon as they end up in deadchat, and it might seem to overflow as all of it was 'caused' by one person.

Nevertheless, I think we can agree that we disagree on that aspect of it, and won't be dragging this argument further, since it's a personal issue / difference of opinion rather than a matter concerning the rules of the server. Thanks for giving a bit of an insight on your part of how things work about you juggling the gameplay and administrative duty, by the way, it does put things in a different light. I have nothing more to add to it, apart from my thanks for this being resolved so quickly. Cheers!

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