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Hello I'm new to space station 13 and i really like the game and would like to continue playing soon. However I'm currently living in my college dorm which makes me reliant on their college wifi. Due to this wifi being college restricted I'm unable to play because of its firewall. I found a way to at least connect through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) that bypasses the firewall However now I was unable to play because the server or maybe the game banned me and won't allow me to play while on a VPN. I'm not sure why you guys have this maybe because of hackers ,but I promise I just want to play. So if you guys can help me be able to get back to playing that would be great. I paid around 12 dollars for the VPN and I paid money to get Byond membership so I really don't want this money to go to waste. So please help me. My account on Byond is BlackKnight1030

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If you want to solve a VPN ban, please post a ban appeal in the correct section using this template.


This help us to keep track of the bans and if everything is correct we will whitelist you.

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