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Biography - Lucretia Aletmagne


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First Name: Lucretia

Last Name: Aletmagne

Gender: Female

Orientation: Omnisexual, Poly-exclusive

Nicknames/Alias: Cree, Lucy

Picture(If Available)





(Will update when I get round to shading)


Age/D.O.B: 23, February 14th 2541

Place Of Birth: Unknown (WIP)

Species: Vulpkanin

Blood Type: A+

Alignment: Chaotic Good...emphasis on the chaotic

Affiliation: NanoTrasen, Fluffyvulps.nt

Religious Beliefs: Spiritual


Childhood: Orphan

Adulthood: Bitch


Detailed Information


"A relatively tall Vulpkanin with a playful, coy smile. She has a thick, bushy cravat of grey fur around her collar. She walks with a certain determination in her stride.

Her hair is neatly cropped and swept over one of her pale blue eyes. She holds her head high with confidence."


Character Voice:


(Courtenay Taylor <3)


Bitchy, aggressive and wary around strangers

Playful, teasing and dirty minded around friends


Medical Record:


Character Biography


"I grew up in a interspecies orphanage, no idea who my parents are. It was an orphanage with a very low Vulpkanin population so we got bullied a lot. I hated being there. I took the first opportunity I could to get out so at 16 I applied for some NanoTrasen sponsored courses; Forensics and Criminology with a minor in Mechanics. After college I worked a shitty internship in a security department - I learned a lot...mainly that I'd prefer to get paid. I went for the for the first paying job I could; working as a Cargo Tech on the Cyberiad..."


"I don't know who my family are; either they're dead or they didn't want me so why should I care?"



- Recently is off station having been scouted by Fluffyvulps.nt -

Personal Relationships

Shina Hoonkins (Bestie) "If anyone hurts my Shina sec are gonna be finding pieces of them in maint for weeks..."
Klees Hoonkins (Close Friend) "You know, you're becoming my personal therapist after all these chats..."
Kitchi Ikamura (Romantically Involved) "He may be a corny goof, but he's MY corny goof"

Kaori Ianson (Longing) "I thought you were happy..."
Argyro Lakkotrypis (Admire/Romantic interest/Close Friend) "If only you were single....."

Isthel Eisenwald (Friend) "Girl I need to get you out more, and bring Ip!"

Bikikarki (Admire) "Biki is best Sec voxxy yaya"

Tetra Vega (Close Friend/Crush) "We need alcohol and we need it now..."
E.L.O (Admire) "Babe, you're the best surgeon this stations ever had"

Kato Terrance (Dislike) "And I quote "Tell those other guys to back off because you're mine". What was her name again? Telasaria?" *sounds of testicles being tased*

Dan Rodney (Target Practice) "wonder if I can throw him into disposals from here...."


Faction Relations

NanoTrasen (Hate) "They've got hell to pay"

Fluffyvulps.nt (Love) "I'd date her, her, her, her as well, definitely her, holy shit she's gorgeous!, her too..." *intense tail wagging*


(Just jotting things down for now, I need sleep.)

Edited by Aletmagne
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