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Some race suggestions.


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Howdy. Over time I've noticed fine suggestions regarding race balance and even thought up some of my own. Let me know what you think about the ideas below.



- Change the Nitrogen tank they spawn with to be emergency-sized (able to stuff in pocket). That way Vox can still wear back-worn items without needing a pressure suit's storage.

- On the topic of pressure suits, include more or make a "Vox hardsuit modification kit" in the kit dispenser in EVA which automatically changes the suit to that of the Breacher.

- Allow Vox to write their own names on the character select screen instead of being forced to use a different one every round.



- Upgrade their telepathy or give them Telekinesis, or some other mind power. Currently the grey's telepathy has limited use.

- Change the colour of the telepathic message text to something easily seen, like purple or green.

- (not sure if still broken) Fix the grey's sulfuric acid immunity, last time it's been checked it does not work.



Machine People

- Allow robotics to make Machine People parts, so you can take a deceased MP's posibrain and place it in a new frame.

- Allow machine people to re-attach limbs that weren't EMPd.

- Increase karma cost if it appears that MP are becoming too OP for their cheap cost.

- Make machine people unclonable.

- Give machine people the ability to use *beep, *ping, and *buzz!





- Give them disease immunity to at least make a difference between Skrell and Humans, as currently the only difference between the two is that Skrells cannot wear human hardsuits and have a special language.


Might be updated if new ideas pop up.




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- Allow Vox to write their own names on the character select screen instead of being forced to use a different one every round.




This is something I've been rallying to have for a long while now and is the one thing that's been keeping me from playing my Vox over my other characters for weeks now. Roleplay is my foremost thing, and with every other species, we can keep a consistent character with development and the primary reason being the most basic thing of any character creator, and that's naming ourselves.


The main argument I've seen against this point is that people don't want to see Vox characters with a standard "John" name. However, that argument is thrown right out the window when every other alien, and even the Diona, who also have naming conventions in their lore are allowed to be whatever they want. So what's right about an Unathi John over a Vox John? Not only that, but for a while Vox had a bug that forced them to use human random names anyway, which was fixed a couple days ago, and I didn't see any non-vox players complaining about it while it was a thing.


As far as every other suggestion goes, I pretty well agree with them for the most part.


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