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An update download page


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Ponies is too damn good at his job! If I'm gone for more than a few days I am slapped with an 80Mb download before I can join. And you all know how Byond is. 0.1Mb/s download speeds. There are times where whole rounds pass by before I finish. You guys should find a way for players to download the patch files externally.

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unfortunately Byond doesn't work like that.

Fortunately what you *can* try is download the git repository, and compile the dme in the root directory of it. Run a server with dream daemon (sprocket in your pager) and connect to it. You should have the proper resources for connecting to the live server after that, assuming ponies doesn't update again. I don't remember if that works anymore but I remember doing it once upon a time with the really old pager.


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Go there, find the button on the right to download as zip.

Extract zip somewhere, go into folder, double click the .dme file.

Go to the build menu at the top, go to compile.

Wait a while for it to say 0 warnings 0 errors.

Close out of the compiler, open up byond pager, use the sprocket at the top right to open dream daemon.

In the dropdown of dream daemon, locate the .dmb file that was compiled in the same directory you had the .dme file.

Click go, wait for the program to stop locking up.

Click the detour sign to connect to your own server.

When at the title screen, you should be able to close out, stop the server with the stop sign, go to your taskbar and right click + exit dream daemon, and join Paradise Live.

With the old pager, this should get around having to download resources. With the current one? I haven't tried it recently because my connection can download the new revisions off the server within a minute or less.


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