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Copy Drone code onto Spiderbots

Streaky Haddock

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I have no idea if that's how code works, but re-coding Spiderbots so they're basically Drones who can pick up tiny items and ventcrawl without the tools would be nice. It's just a neat little change I think would be fun.

Basically this means they'd be able to move over/under tables, would have a charge meter and could possibly exchange vent crawling for disposals riding. Although given that spider-bots are mostly harmless I don't see why they can't ventcrawl.


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Alternative suggestion: combine a spiderbot with a medbot/floorbot/cleanbot/firebot/secutron assembly or various tools to make a hydrobot or sciencebot.


Then you'd have a gimped little spider that can help out in various jobs, but not do it completely without human assistance.


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