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Phoenix Station 13


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Phoenix Station 13: (Stolen from the idea of the book/movie "Flight of the Phoenix")
A passenger/mining refinery ship crash lands on a large monster infested roid. Bombarded by fleshroids and space carpe the survivors must repurpose the wreckage and work together to bloom where they have been planted. They must build a new life from the dust and the ashes...

The general purpose behind this idea is to create a game mode that encourages the more creative sandbox/construction nature of the game. Give a minimal start to the players encouraging work and cooperation. Let players create and design and build (and gather resources for) their own work environment instead of having it precreated for them.

Most/All players/survivors should start with Space Suits on or available. (If possible I think it would be great if a large portion of the players started with varying wounds).

Players should have goals for constructing and getting rooms functional (medbay, hydroponics, communications, etc.)

A lot of players will find they must fill temporary roles. Ex. A surgeon might need to be a miner for a while, a botanist might need to be an engineer, etc.

Perhaps there is some greater ancient evil lurking deep within the core of the Asteroid? Maybe I borrowed a little of this idea from dwarf fortress?

As an RP side note, I think new players that join mid game should be "Found among the wreckage" or mysteriously/purposefully "Cloned" into existence (if there is a cloning bay available).

I'm not a good finisher. I have ideas but my mind doesn't really let me complete them. If this seems like a good idea, please refine it and make it better. I like the feel of the idea, even if I can't explain it well I also lack the power and capacity to bring it into existence on my own. :/

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