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Diary of a Sec Officer


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Today I played as sec officer and happened to be an extended round. A crazy one, all started with a ghost clown cult... Never hear of it before. I thought "let's write a diary at the news feed".  I was very lost on that round with the illegible telecoms script and all the stuff happening at the same time, but was funny!

Well, here it is if you want to take a look. I  will certainly do some day, would felt bad to just save it in my hdd:


 Diary of a Security Officer [created by: Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Feed view count: 15

- 12:06 - This shift started at 12:00 as most shifts start. Grabbed my stuff, ate a few donuts and started a patrol.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 15

- 12:11 - Someone requested Officer Beepsky presence. I followed it to the brig. Turns out the warden requested it. Grabbed another donut and kept patroling.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 15

- 12:19 - Someone vandalized the public cargo console turning it into an arcade videogame. Officer bepsky arrested him when I was nearby, so I took him to the brig where he got what he deserved.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 15

- 12:25 - The mime was accused of drug possesion; Don't accept candies from an unknown mime.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 11

- Cultist reported at the old bar. DONT GO IN THERE! I will regroup with the other officers and will take them donw. Wish me luck!
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 10

- 12:38 That was intense. We found several civilians at the old bar and a few red pillars. We arrested them all but turned out nobody was a cultist. They were fighting something much darker by their own, a clown ghost cult.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 7

- 12:41 - There are reports of sighting all over the station. We are not prepared for such situation.l The chaplain is our only hope.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 7

- Its hard to admit it but it turns out that the clown may in fact be our only hope. But don't trust the green ghost clown.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 7

- A Entity Revenant has been detected. Will need to deal with it. We do that sort of things here. Our boss doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. I hope he doesn't read that. He doesn't look like someone who reads a lot anyway.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 6

- 12:55 - Some random guy in a grey jumpsuit deactivated a camera outside the bridge. The usual stuff. although the blueshield arrested him. He think he is better than us. He should try a red suit, and see how long he last.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 4

- 12:59 - I finnaly got some time to configure my security gas mask. "SHUT UP CRIME". Love it. I whish golden wrenches were reglamentary weapons. Or red ones.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 4

- Got a donut from the vending machine. It was a pink one. These things are whort living for.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 2

- Some dude called a sec officer because some guy fainted. We can't brig anyone for that. Some of you call us shitcurity, but remember, behind every shitcurity act there is a shitty assistant doing his stuff.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 2

- Now checking Cargo. They seem suspicius. Never trusted them anyways.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 2

- Turns out the cargo guys were just bored, so they made up a false god "chutulu" and found a secret club to summon it. Just go order something to keep them distracted.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 2

- Gigant Spiders! Don't try to kill them by yourself. Call Security. If you are lucky enough, the officer who lost the taser while firing it to a spider won't come to help you.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 1

- So, curren threats to the station and the crew: Swarmers, they are eating up the station and more keep coming. Cult at cargo, they are trying to summon an immaginary god with a sacrifice. We think they actually killed someone already. Ghost clowns? Who knows. They seem gone. Random crewmembers doing stupid shit. Chef distributing drugged food. Captain roaming maints with a gun. Captain. Yes. Too much for today, lets go home already...
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 1

- Found an abandoned cat at medbay. Will call it Michi and will take it home. Its not ready for the kind of stuff happening on the station.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 1

- Shuttle has been called. We are finnaly going home! The only thing we need to do is very simple, to survive the meteor rain that very conviniently just started.
[Story by Jack Corso (Security Officer)]
Message view count: 1

- This will be the last entry of this report. The HoS office is no more due to a meteor. Who cares. I certainly not and everybody hates him. So I'm boarding the shuttle, bye and thanks for reading!


Edited by Alriac
  • honk 1
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