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Add backup power to Bar machines


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So, I've noticed that the bar machines have a little meter at the top that says "Power" or something like that. When the power is on it recharges after you pour a drink, but when the power is out the machines lockup in a way so that you can't even pull out the glass.

Where am I going with this?

Change the machines to draw power from the bar at the top of the interface like a battery, so when the power is out, you can still make drinks (very few). 

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The internal "power" thing is for the chemistry stations. I believe it's there to stop you from spamming chems. The alcohol dispenser and soda dispenser both inherited this code. 

Think of it this way, the internal power is the power taken from the station and converted into raw matter to make chems/beer/drinks with. Not actually electricity. (Granted this is coming out my proverbial arse)

Personally I think this is fine as is, but I wouldent mind the ability to remove beakers/glasses from the machine if power dies.

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The matter processors in the unit needs time to recharge.

Think of it like a Keurig (those pod-coffee machines) with a pump that slowly refills the tank on the side containing the water needed to make coffee.

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