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Culture clothing for every race


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Hello there fellows! I'm quite inspired with this idea by the new added Tajaran's veils and with feature in Starbound that every species have own style. I would like to introduce you my idea:

The idea with culture unique clothing is quite good, it might add some more RP into the server and some more exhoration to play and act like your specie. Ofcourse, there can be couple of non human person who is having human name and etc., but the problem is that such characters are quite a lot on our server. So what do you think about it? Leave a comment and your own idea about what type of clothing should each specie have. 

Here's my idea:

Humans - *emtiness*

Tajarans - add some kind of artic with fur clothing?

Vulpkanins - add some kind of artic clothing too + jungle theme clothing.

Unathis - add some kind of Egypt theme clothing, something quite opened clothing with open belly and etc. (It would be good if it won't be sexualized)

Skrells -  add some kind of beach theme clothing or sci-fi underwater clothing. Or even something with Greek theme...

Slime people - eh.... Oga-booga theme or Japanese theme? I have no idea, yet. Hard to make something an idea for it and not repeat as others species (cuz most of them was living on quite warm\filled with water planets)

Voxes - steppe-indians (Those indians who were living on America, duh) theme.

Greys - basic Sci-fi clothing, like abductors do.

Dionas - being nude. Let's be honest, they're trees. The profit from it that they've access to walk around nude and not getting caught by security officer

Kidans - hobo, post apocalyptic theme.

Shadow people - ???

Drasks - slav-artic clothing.

IPCs - they can wear that type of clothing where they've been made by.

My english is poor, sorry.





Edited by SideCat
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I would argue that Tajarans would only wear the innermost layer they would be wearing on Ahdomai, as well, the planet is damm cold, so their fur would insulate well by itself, and unless they get the fur groomed to be less insulating, wearing their normal jumpsuit stuff, and the artic clothing from their planet, they would get a heatstroke on the station that's 20°C. I think the older lore had that they used long clothes with many layers, something that sticks to the long clothes, but being only one of the many layers. To quote the old lore, which was cut out to allow a bit more freedom i think:


As Ahdomai is still a fairly arctic planet, most clothes are heavy and cloaks are common, and almost always split back, to allow for freedom of tail movement. Boots tend to be of an open-toe design. An excess of sashes/inserted waistcloth is used for decor purposes, particularly for formal events.

Layering tends to be almost universal in Tajaran fashion, no matter the clan or region. Aside from an underwear layer, usually consisting of tap pants along with some form of loose fitting undershirt for both male and females, most Tajaran clothing consists of some sort of scarf and jacket, usually a cloak for outdoor wear, and about 3 proper layers of clothing.

Tail accessories tend to be used by individuals within a relationship, although this has changed since 50 years ago, and more tail decor is less of a taboo for just anyone to wear- Historically, it was generally a way of showing off courting favors, the less bound up version of wedding rings. Several sorts of ribbons bestowed by a significant other is considered as showing a status of being in a committed relationship, with marriage in Tajaran society primarily being reserved for legal bloodlines. Traditionally it was made of childhood garments offered to one's significant other, to signify giving away a piece of yourself and your past, although naturally in the modern day a Tajaran would buy such from clothing shops, the more elegant and intricate ones having price tags akin to the inflation of plain diamond rings in human society.

Should get quite some ideas for that, so "only" a loose fitting shirt with tap pants, maybe a cloak that was modified to be a bit less insulating, tail decor, sashes and all that jazz would be nice to have.

Similarily, while Unathi would get some Egypt  theme clothing to point at their desert homeworld, it would be insulating Egypt clothing, as well, they are biologically used to high temperatures, it would be rather cold for them on the station.

It would also be nice to have some sort of clothing Plasmamen can customize. Currently, the one plasmasuit they get is colored to their job. There could be minor customizability like an emblem or something on their suit, other color for their visor, or slightly different shapes of the suit. The shape thing would probably be the most problematic one, as it would require every job to get resprited for that shape. Maybe we could change it that there are certain base colors, and armband like department designation accessoires that fit every sprite shapewise.


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