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Admin Complaint - Saywat the 15th


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Admin Key: Saywat the 15th

Complaint: I filed a ban appeal that I thought was unjust, which can now be found in declined. I think it's important that whoever reviews this should read it, I'll put the link here: 

The ban situation is a different ordeal, what I am here to complain about is that the admin that administered the ban was the one that declined the appeal. I think that an appeal needs to be reviewed, and approved or disapproved by an admin who was not involved for it to actually be fair, because of course Saywat disagrees with me because he's the one who gave the ban. I feel like I haven't been given due process here, and Saywat, by putting the appeal in decline himself, has prevented any other admins from seeing my case. I believe this behavior is wrong, and unfair to me or anyone else in my situation.

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We do not really have any set policy on which Administrator handle which appeals, though for the sake of making the process easier, the informal process tends to follow the lines of "Admin Bans, Admin Handles Appeal", barring exceptional circumstances where the Administrator in question recognizes their inability to be unbiased in handling the appeal (this coming from someone who's been in that exact situation multiple times).

While I can understand your concern, the fact of the matter is Saywat is an Administrator precisely because the Server Staff, as a whole, and the Head Administration, in particular, trust them to enforce the Server Rules correctly. This means that we also trust them to handle appeals correctly, which they have.

Reviewing the case myself, I can see their reasoning for applying the Day Ban, and do not disagree with it. The entire point of a Day Ban is to serve as a time-out so the banned player can reconsider their actions. You opted to appeal a type of ban that we rarely, if ever, lift, not only because of its purpose, but also because of how short it is.

In regards to specific points:

14 minutes ago, rankdiRty said:

I think that an appeal needs to be reviewed, and approved or disapproved by an admin who was not involved for it to actually be fair,

As pointed above, we trust our Administrators. And really, the person involved is most likely the one most qualified to handle the appeal, considering they hold the most information and experience. A cursory look at our Accepted sub-forum will reveal literally dozens of examples of Administrators lifting their own bans. We see no reason to consider this system is unfair on the players, as it has given no reason to think so.

16 minutes ago, rankdiRty said:

ally be fair, because of course Saywat disagrees with me because he's the one who gave the ban

It's not a matter of disagreement, it's a matter of the Server Rules being broken.

16 minutes ago, rankdiRty said:

prevented any other admins from seeing my case

I can assure you, we can still see the case. Had we any reason to believe it was poorly handled, you would've been the first person to know.

17 minutes ago, rankdiRty said:

I believe this behavior is wrong, and unfair to me or anyone else in my situation.

As noted above, we disagree.

There is no misconduct on Saywat's part. Filing this under Resolved.

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