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Everything posted by doggypoison

  1. cherry waves commission (still open but prices may definitely vary now)
  2. might as well post this thing i did a long time ago as well
  3. alsooo im now taking comissions, i only do head to shoulder portraits because i suck at everything else. anyway, $5 per comission and you need to be clear about the kind of style you're after. i can finally do clean lineart if that's what you're after so c: for you if that's your kind of thing.
  4. I'm actually curious about what are the things in specific that maintainers have a problem with in specific with Heirophant, is it the loot or the difficulty of the boss fight itself? Maybe adding both of the barrier's incapability of blocking projectiles and reduced duration might balance it for Paracode.
  5. Honestly really love the buff that PR adds for the Heiro considering newcrit. It'll pretty much be near impossible for IPCs though. I'm really hoping to see things be reworked and readded rather than be removed and be forgotten.
  6. The main reason why Heirophant, from what I've been told has been due to balance and cheesiness. The staff has already been disabled so that's been resolved but the crusher trophy is still seen as something too "cheesy" so here's a simple suggestion that might fix things. From playing in TG I've seen that fights with the ash drake is far more lethal than that of the colossus for one simple reason- The projectile actually goes through the barrier. So my idea is that, if we make it so that the death bolts go through the barrier, it would mitigate a lot of it's cheesiness in the fight. If that isn't enough, maybe simply allowing megafauna to trample through or pass through the barrier could work too. I personally believe this is good for the game because it reintroduces content that is actually pretty fun. The Heirophant fight itself is honestly a joy. As a sidenote: I think that the Heirophant also needs to do more damage simply due to the fact that we have newcrit in the server, otherwise the fight can just be cheesed by face-tanking. So buffing the damage from 15-25 when it hits 50% health or something along those lines would be nice.
  7. not sure how long this'll actually keep up but thanks. (yes, i did waste my time drawing this for a response)
  8. lucina in a corgi kigurumi. we need those in-game badly
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