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Posts posted by Pootass

  1. Just as a follow-up, I've been hitting up code strings to get an idea for how this might be coded. I've found at least one example on how to implement this that might be useful.

    So, for one, there's this one i've found in tgstation's github (Full disclosure. If it's not okay to raid other places for code, feel free to slap me for it.)



    form = "Condition"

    name = "Myocardial Infarction"

    max_stages = 5

    stage_prob = 2

    cure_text = "Heart replacement surgery to cure. Defibrillation (or as a last resort, uncontrolled electric shocking) may also be effective after the onset of cardiac arrest. Penthrite can also mitigate cardiac arrest."

    agent = "Shitty Heart"

    viable_mobtypes = list(/mob/living/carbon/human)

    permeability_mod = 1

    desc = "If left untreated the subject will die!"

    severity = "Dangerous!"

    disease_flags = CAN_CARRY|CAN_RESIST


    visibility_flags = HIDDEN_PANDEMIC

    required_organs = list(/obj/item/organ/heart)

    bypasses_immunity = TRUE // Immunity is based on not having an appendix; this isn't a virus

    var/sound = FALSE


    var/datum/disease/heart_failure/D = ..()

    D.sound = sound

    return D



    var/obj/item/organ/heart/O = affected_mob.getorgan(/obj/item/organ/heart)

    var/mob/living/carbon/H = affected_mob

    if(O && H.can_heartattack())


    if(1 to 2)


    to_chat(H, "<span class='warning'>You feel [pick("discomfort", "pressure", "a burning sensation", "pain")] in your chest.</span>")


    to_chat(H, "<span class='warning'>You feel dizzy.</span>")

    H.confused += 6


    to_chat(H, "<span class='warning'>You feel [pick("full", "nauseated", "sweaty", "weak", "tired", "short on breath", "uneasy")].</span>")

    if(3 to 4)


    H.playsound_local(H, 'sound/health/slowbeat.ogg',40,0, channel = CHANNEL_HEARTBEAT)

    sound = TRUE


    to_chat(H, "<span class='danger'>You feel a sharp pain in your chest!</span>")





    H.losebreath += 4


    to_chat(H, "<span class='danger'>You feel very weak and dizzy...</span>")

    H.confused += 8





    H.playsound_local(H, 'sound/effects/singlebeat.ogg', 100, 0)

    if(H.stat == CONSCIOUS)

    H.visible_message("<span class='danger'>[H] clutches at [H.p_their()] chest as if [H.p_their()] heart is stopping!</span>", \

    "<span class='userdanger'>You feel a terrible pain in your chest, as if your heart has stopped!</span>")



    H.reagents.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/medicine/C2/penthrite, 3) // To give the victim a final chance to shock their heart before losing consciousness




    However, this one, as i read it if correct, is entirely random. I know not how it's DONE, but it should be possible to make it a weighted chance - with a random chance for if(fat), and a smaller chance for non-fats. If you REALLY wanted to mess around, you could implement Goonstation's cholesterol system and make it weighted based on that, so that a non-fat could still get heart disease if they're chomping down on deep-fried cheeseburgers. 


    • Like 1
  2. Name: Adam Lev Cohen

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: B+

    General Occupational Role(s): Miner, Security Officer, Chemist.


    Biography: Born on September 18th, 2535 on New Aviv to a family of Jewish colonists, Adam Lev Cohen spent his early life going through the educational system - he mainly excelled at chemistry and physical arts. His family did not have the funds to pay for a private education required for chemistry, he joined the Trans Solar Army at 19 years old, after a year of unsuccessfully applying for scholarships. 

    Cohen was assigned to the 29th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion 'Yehudim', 5th company, 2nd platoon, 3rd Squad. He bonded closely with Corporal Michael Nehai and Private Samuel Abelman. He took part in the invasion of Galixis in 2557 after it suffered a massive communist rebellion, attempting to defect to Space Russia. He took part in the uphill combat in the planet's forested and mountainous region, where his unit among the others suffered heavy casualties against uphill assaults. He was awarded the Gallantry Medal for advancing out of cover to retrieve Samuel Abelman, wounded by machine-gun fire, throwing a grenade in the process that would kill or wound 5 insurgents. Samuel Abelman would die a few hours later due to the severity of his wounds, and the unavailability of cloning meant that Abelman was permanently dead. At the end of the occupation in 2558, Cohen exited the armed forces.



    Qualifications: Adam Lev Cohen is excellent at following orders. His combat experience can be of use against human enemies, and he is educated in how to produce rudimentary chemicals.


    Employment Records: Adam Lev Cohen has been a Nanotrasen employee since July 9th, 2561. He has worked on the Cyberiad since August 20th, 2561. 


    Clearance: Medical, Security.


    Adam Lev Cohen suffers from Claustrophobia as a result of the tunnel-fighting towards the end of the campaign in the mountains. When in maintainence tunnels, he is hunched over and noticably twitchy and nervous. In situations of extreme stress, he may revert to his military behavior and speak to individuals who are not alive or not present - notably, Samuel Abelman. 

    Adam Lev Cohen also suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and at times, may huddle behind objects under the illusion that a hostile is at the end of a hallway or in another room.  Therapy has aided him in this aspect and he has made significant progress, but on occasion he still suffers episodes.

    Cohen went on to earn a 2-year degree from Temple University on his home planet. The presence of more qualified NT chemists means that when this route is unavailable, he works as a shaft-miner or a security officer.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    The picture depicts a 25-26-year-old Adam Cohen in a nanotrasen jumpsuit, taken at the time of his initial employment in 2561. He is a pink-haired, average built man.

    Other Notes:

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  3. Just wanted to poke my head in here. I've played variably as Adam Cohen and Jessica DeGuovo on the station. Love the atmosphere on the server and can't wait for more to come.

  4. So, having played a bit on the station, I tried out the Obesity disability a decent amount. And I have to say, while it's annoying to move at such a crawl, for more sedentary jobs the Obesity disability really isn't too much of a problem, especially with not having to eat as much. I think it should be more of a genuine trade-off with more interaction with it and medical. so here's my suggestion.

    Obesity, on top of making you slower, should increase your heart rate. I'm thinking somewhere north of 80. On top of that, there ought to be a ticking malus for being obese - sugar makes you diabetic easier, and every minute adds a small amount of damage to your heart. It ought to be balanced so that around 40 minutes-an hour, it gets to be a real problem, and can result in full cardiac arrest.

    I basically think it should be balanced as so: Obesity lets you eat less, but at a cost to your health, and enough of an annoyance to the medical staff that they have a mechancial reason to tell you to drop the pounds. The last thing they want to be dealing with during a terror spider invasion is a civvie who ate everything the kitchen put out because he was bored. Of course, that'd basically be on him as a player. My observation is, not many people sit around and eat to that amount, so it wouldn't be a massive roadblock to the playerbase. It'd be more of an available route for RP that gives an extra layer of life to the station. It could even result in CMO's wanting to be damn sure that they won't have to deal with it that they start doing physicals - a good opportunity for antags to strike a big group of people, and a good minor action for slower extended shifts.

    I hate to be so scant on coding advice, but I've coded for paradox mods, and not so much for this.If I had to take a wild guess, it's probably just a matter of ripping, say, the alcohol toxins damage and flipping it around to the tag for Obesity, but tying the damage going away not to waiting the damage out, but more to not being obese+overweight anymore. 

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