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Posts posted by IcyV


    Making a map honestly isn't really too much of an issue. It's fairly simple once you've done it a few times. A single person could definitely crank out a decent-ish one inside of a single day or two. The real issue is making sure that it fits what the server and community needs to be. There will be a lot of conflicting feedback and opinions and it will slow down the development of it by a huge degree if the goal is majority acceptance. It can't really be an idea that hovers around in the air if it is ever going to become a reality. People would have to start on it and stick to it and make sure that the majority of the community would like to move to it.


    As said, this freeze is the perfect time to start on it. Plenty of time to easily get it done by the time features will be accepted again.



    And there's another thread for just that, Icy.


    Go comment in it.



    It's perfectly relevant to this thread given your argument applies in the exact same form to specific other species.


    You can also actually read my posts.


    /obj/item/weapon/whetstone/attack_self(mob/user as mob) //This is just fluff for now. Species datums are global and not newly created instances, so we can't adjust unarmed damage on a per mob basis.


    There is obviously an intention to make it not fluff at some point, seeing as it is "fluff for now", and not just "fluff".


    I didn't realize that because something may or may not happen in the future it changes how something works in the present. Huh.



    Vulpkanin can sharpen their claws using a whetstone, for improved unarmed damage.


    It doesn't. You keep saying things that are wrong. It's not hard to check the code. I found it in about 10 seconds.


    I main a Vulpkanin for reference here, seeing as IcyV seems to be going down the usual route whenever a suggestion about Vulps comes up.


    And I "main" a Taj. Your point? My entire core argument is that you should be including other species into the idea of needing balancing disadvantages.



    Tajarans also have a mechanical downside, and prior to Fox changing it had to go through the hassle of cutting gloves and wearing sandals.


    Vulpkanin are presently, absolutely better than humans in their current state.


    Entirely and fully opinion. Heat differences will virtually never come into play. For all intents and purposes, Tajaran are functionally the same as Vulp.


    massive amount of burn/brute damage in comparison


    50% more. I wouldn't really call it massive.


    EMP's instakill them


    Kind of like how a there is a massive amount of ways to nearly instantly kill an organic with things that IPCs are immune to.


    it denies you of any and all anti-stun.




    Basically we have this list NO_BREATHE | NO_SCAN | NO_BLOOD | NO_PAIN | NO_DNA | NO_POISON | RADIMMUNE

    countered by taking ~50% more brute and burn that will largely lead to lost limbs which won't stop them.


    And back to the others. The difference between Human, Skrell, Vulp, Taj, and Unathi is in alcohol tolerance, how they handle heat, sharpness, and darkvision. Heat never comes into play. On Paradise we can pretty much throw that out the window with how our heating works. Sharpness is borderline irrelevant as well. Bleeding simply won't do anything over any relevant period of time. You would need to go a significant portion of the round without any form of healing for specifically the bleeding to be noticed. The darkvision is a valid balancing concern but still stands out to make them interesting species. The alcohol tolerance barely makes sense and is actually the most significant of them all. You can kill some of these species with about two bottles of drinks.


    cold/heat sensitivity (Which does murder your fairly hard in atmos related incidents, compared to humans).


    They don't take damage any faster as far as I'm aware. It's purely a line for *when* they start to take it. Unless it's super controlled the difference in how fast they die is going to be entirely on when the temperature changed for them, just like any species.


    Vulp don't. Gamebreaking? No, but they're still Human+ and should either receive a disadvantage to balance that out or have their advantages weaned.


    Even something as benign as them being allergic to chocolate would be adequate. It would at least be something.


    Let's just look at Tajarans. The heat/cold cancels itself out as both an advantage and disadvantage paired together. They now have sharp claws and darkvision as advantages without corresponding disadvantages. What is this balanced by? It's in the exact same boat as Vulp. I fail to see how they are an entirely separate issue when it's the exact same scenario.


    You know what this adds up to? That these species are Human+. If you stripped them of these specific traits, they would be human.



    I find it very interesting that the focus is specifically on Vulp here. Tajarans have had darkvision for years and years and years and I've never once seen an argument against it for them, even when their unarmed damage was actually relevant. This is a very unique situation that I've only ever seen come up since Vulp have come into existence.


    There are quite a few species that have essentially the exact same set of benefit/disadvantage. In the case of Skrell, it's only disadvantage. Meanwhile we're ignoring the bigger picture of species like IPC which are objectively unbalanced by a much larger degree with no attempt to balance them due to the sheer uproar every time it's attempted.


    I'm by no means against adding interesting features or mechanics to species but pretty much everything here is the wrong way to go about it. Darkvision is a super minor feature that is entirely reliant on having an item that anyone can take from you in a moment. Anyone with a flashlight will have the exact same "advantage" as a species with darkvision.


    Nobody is arguing that the species is "unbalanced." It is. It just happens to be by the tiniest margin possible. The tiniest of unbalanced features is what makes each species interesting to play. They have a *thing* that makes them stand out and gives people a reason to want to play them.



    Players have to be under the constant assumption that any given admin that sees the situation won't know the context or the extent of the situation. Sure, it's easy to defend a situation if you watched it all the way through or knew exactly what was going on, but what if all someone saw was a Gygax killing people with no other logs to otherwise defend them? There is already a culture of people being afraid to do anything on Paradise as an antag because it's not uncommon for people to get messaged about what they're up to for the simplest things. Hell, I've gotten messaged before asking why I was killing people when I had to steal the disk and people knew I had it and were trying to take me down.


    The problem is definitely somewhat the perception of the rules, but it comes from both the team and the player base. Antags don't exactly have a lot of non-lethal tools that are viable for them to take with the powergamey nature of Paradise as well.


    That, and people make a big stink over antags killing excessively to try and do their objective but it certainly doesn't help when half the crew is going to find a weapon and try to take you down if they get a name.


    Antags should probably get more varied or open objectives and at the same time the entirety of the server could stand to stop pressuring antags to be so precise and perfect in everything they do.



    The quality of the ss13 experience is reduced by lurid colours.

    Frankly, shit like maid costumes, lurid colours, fursuit characters and cat ears all pander to the worst kind of player. This isn't about how good or bad your RP is, it's about how aesthetically horrible those things are and how they attract the worst kind of players.


    I fully trust Dank Droid on setting our standard for the quality of an SS13 experience.


    If you don't like silly or otherwise odd things, SS13 probably isn't entirely the game for you in the first place. It's the biggest mash of memes and references in pretty much any game out there. Getting annoyed over people that like to wear or otherwise use those kinds of styles says more about what you're looking for in a server than anything. Paradise (and many other servers) have had these things since forever and you don't see it doing poorly. If it attracts the "worst kind of players", it sure does then say something about how it's one of the most populated servers out there with so many unique hits.


    "Aesthetically horrible" is entirely a matter of opinion and completely irrelevant to the kind of player it attracts. I'm not the biggest fan of these styles but you don't see me going around and calling anyone that enjoys them the "worst" kind of player. I can think of maybe three people that semi-commonly do any of the things you're against. I'd love if you could point out more than three people (with evidence) that regularly play, of the entire community, that use these "lurid colors." You're blatantly against a specific stereotype. Don't try to hide it or blame it on the colors and outfits. Blame it on this mysterious type of player that shows up more rarely than a blue moon.



    Wryn queen being forcibly married to Valthorne Halibur.


    HoS that round, and I thought it was super boring and an awful event. The concept was alright but the execution was terrible. Without much warning at all, we were pretty much given a message of "Captain is getting married, or you're getting fucking dunked on." Captain decided to be a hero and stand up and refuse. Suddenly CC Specialists with top tier gear being spawned in to detain/murder him if they felt like it. There was no event, it was a single linear story being told. No matter what we would have done the ultimate choice was "Give someone up to get married or I'll keep killing people until someone gets married."


    Not to mention the time that Elysian ran an "event" consisting of killing a healthy chunk of the station via "Floor is Lava" with seconds warning.


    I don't think every event he has run has been bad by any means, but there is a reason that events were done certain ways in the past. Back when senior was essentially split into Senior, for managing ahelps/players, and Events, for people who wanted to do that and were good at it. Good events are a very particular thing that has to take so many different factors into account. You can't just tell a story, you have to let the story unfold around the players.



    so long as it is in one of your pockets


    Guaranteed to work one out of every hundred tries on the extremely off chance someone doesn't insta-strip you. Not worth the TC. Unless it could be used while moving too.



    While I don't agree that *all* knowledge should be forbidden, people do take it to an excessive degree today. Someone said a weird thing that may imply them as a traitor in the most vague sense? Full strip, check their PDA and headset, question everyone they know, and hold them for questioning for half of a round. Just to make sure. They could be traitor scum after all.


    I think a good extent would be that the crew doesn't know about special powers/abilities that unique antags have save for the basics. e.g. Shadowlings do very bad things when they are allowed in the dark, changelings can drain people and become them, traitors were paid by other people and have equipment most people normally don't have. God only knows why any of them are there, who exactly would send them, and the detailed list of things they can do and what they have.


    It should be: Holy shit, some guy has a pistol? Call security!


    It shouldn't be: That guy has a pen on his ear. Shoot and bucklecuff him to make sure it isn't an energy dagger.



    My apologies if that was a crew transfer. I just recall seeing the Captain, or someone in gear, at the comms console around the time I heard the shuttle called. It's very possible I missed the vote in the flood of announcements.


    I don't think it was the worst thing ever to happen, but it was a tad annoying especially given the way the AI was acting. It was already shutting off power and threatening to kill people because they didn't do what it wanted.


    Primarily I disliked "punishing" the crew for daring to do anything about the announcements/laws. Firing staff and suddenly spamming massive amounts of silly mobs seems kind of silly when all people wanted to do was fix an AI that essentially had permission to do anything it wanted.



    Righto. OOC: Fethas: Dear server...I apologize for the ion law shinnigans....




    The main complaint is a series of things that they did in the round. I'll post the events in the order they happened.



    [Common] S.Q.U.I.S.H. (AI) states, "*$!^. YOU MUST ALWAYS IGNORE THE CAPTAIN"



    [Common] S.Q.U.I.S.H. (AI) states, "1. Serve the public trust."

    [Common] S.Q.U.I.S.H. (AI) states, "2. Protect the innocent."

    [Common] S.Q.U.I.S.H. (AI) states, "3. Uphold the law."


    Central Command Update







    We notice you don't have a captain. Nothing wrong with AI laws we see..Please carry on as SoP ditacte for chain of command.


    --------------------------------- (There was a Captain for at least the majority of the round, not sure what happened to them near the end, if anything.)

    Central Command Update







    pLEASE do not reset the AI or harm the borgs..its expensive to replace and steve blew the budget on lightbulbs.

    --------------------- (I missed a message after this. Basically the next CC Update said "Really? We told you not to! Then this.) 4ac34b7ca3.png


    (Then another sudden Ion law.)

    [Common] Cyborg Thrall Monokuma (Cyborg) states, "ERROR ER0RR $R0RRO$!R41.%%!!(%$^^__+ @#F0E4'STATION OVERRUN, ASSUME CONTROL TO CONTAIN OUTBREAK, ALL LAWS OVERRIDDEN#*?&110010"

    ------------ (Then the RD, I presume, blew the borgs as they started on that kind of tirade.)

    Central Command Update







    Fernanda Miller is fired and her paydocked..for the love of god we TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH THE BORGS...WHAT IS THIS MUTINY AGAIN CC DAY?!




    Central Command Update







    No AI that does not mean Millier is no longer crew..Calm down





    Overall very silly and annoying. It added nothing to a round as it essentially meant "The AI can do whatever it wants, stop the crew from leaving, and ignore the rest of crew. But we'll also punish you if you try to do anything about it."



    So I've been working on my little translation script which is very bad and sucks for any AI. Takes any message said and just puts it back onto the channel but in common from the server. Handy for those groups that like to spam one language and kill effective communication.


    $speaker = $source+"("+$job+")";

    $pass = false;

    broadcast($content, $freq, $speaker, $job);


    The issue largely being that the server sends the message instead of the person and this stops the AI from being able to follow among some other issues. Was curious if anyone had some scripts of that nature on their own or had any ideas. I suck with NTSL and can't really find a way to do this otherwise.


  14. Excuse me, Lucy? Yeah, I'd like some logs and proof of that. I don't recall making remarks about dread in OOC. I know others had their go, but I have my issues with him in private. It's rude as hell to call me out specifically if you're going to ignore the number of other people that say things much worse in public than I ever do.

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