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Jayne Steller

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Posts posted by Jayne Steller

  1. I don't think paperwork makes a HOP A tier worthy. I don't believe just because you copied a format from susie's bakery the wikipedia so that you can file a meal for a single cookie get a job change to department adds much in terms of RP. While paperwork is very cool for contacting central command and interacting with other paperwork jobs like IAA, I find it unnecessary  for a simple job transfer unless it may be security. A simple yes or no from the heads is RP, offering options and even the smallest talking interactions adds more to the RP. Job transferring paperwork is someone sitting in front of their computer gradually typing away the fill in the blank answers and then saying done. I don't believe in job transfer paper work.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I've seen people kill a colossus on lavaland with killer tomatoes alone. I've had a bag of healing tomatoes that you throw onto yourself and heals all kinds of damage. Botany can be the end and create all for dangerous and useful things on station. That being said it's overpowered as it is quite limitless. Most departments are restricted and have to ask for something from a head or others will notice and say something about suspicious behavior but all botany has to do is ask for a chem dispenser at round start from science or get some unstable mutagen from medical. It is not restricted in any shape, way or form. Botany doesn't need stuff like guns when they can make acidic tomatoes that put you into crit with two or three hits and has the capability to fight a giant mech if they wanted to.

    Overpowered, why the hell can botanist fight mechs?

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/24/2020 at 4:35 AM, Maxfromsweden said:

    I don't mean to sound harsh. I think the idea of the thread is great! The example used may not be the best though.

    You are very correct on this! There are many ways to do it and I will attempt more humorous things in future. Provided with a video of course. My personal opinion is against releasing the engine and the rounds over or just emagging the escape shuttle so I wanted SOMETHING non-conventional to provide. If you have an idea that could include RP and hijacking the shuttle then I HIGHLY encourage you to try it. Murderbone is normally frowned upon so please if you have an idea, share it here or show it off in game. It's a good and bad example because of what you can do, I'd say it's a bad example because it's ONLY murderbone and a limited showcase.

    I'm not being sarcastic when I say this but please if you have a creative way without being a murderhobo and minimize casualties, I would LOVE to see it. Thus being the reason I made this topic. Try things! Be a showoff! Hell, if you want to be a filthy sweaty murderhobo and show it off, This is the topic for it. Do keep in mind ONE THING, paradise isn't a murderbone server!

    If you can somehow roleplay those other 50-100 other people to NOT get onto the escape shuttle then I will forever be impressed, you absolute legend.

    Remember antags are not about winning so TRY THINGS.

  4. As many of us have tried and tried and failed, again and again to Hijack that shuttle or just maybe even to let loose a bunch of bombs on the station, we all have our attempts and stories and fun of trying so I thought lets share them here. I'm posting this to encourage more creative things to be tried and to spice it up and have more unusually seen gameplay. Notably the item named "His Grace" is underused so I'd like to encourage people to try new things by making this.


    Syndicate with the Hijack objective can do what is called a "TC trade" and ahelp to trade in their telecrystals for something that can be seen as non-conventional and may not be obtainable normally. For example I spawned as a medical doctor but requested the item called "His Grace." It is a chaplain only item but if you kindly do a trade, you may just get yourself "His Grace" if you request it. Wizard spells can be obtained in a trade as well BUT be reasonable. Depending on the current given round type you may be denied this.

    This topic is not exclusive to only what I've mentioned with TC trades, I just want to encourage new ideas into the community. I'd enjoy to hear what people try when they get hijack as an objective.


    • toolbox 1
    • explodyparrot 2
  5. I'm just gonna end up repeating what others are saying here.

    If you couldn't insta gib someone with it or instantly blind, mute, silence, turn into a lesser form IN ONE shot then sure this would be good. There's more reason why it's NOT there. It's just stupidly overpowered and not fun to play against. Just inject them normally, that's not even to hard in itself. Anyone could grab soap and insert a potentially dangerous needle already, we don't need some guy doing it with a ranged item.

  6. Quote

    Kidan balance is often a hot topic for debate, please list any ideas you might have for interesting racial quirks, drawbacks, and potential positive traits.

    I'd like to weigh in a possible trait that was mentioned during voice chat and that they could be flashed through eyewear and even possibly stun them. Kidans take that extra brute damage but most brute damage is in fact close combat situations and the only event this trait could not be utilized would be when the kidan is a changeling and can just blow out the bulb or EMP implant but consider experimenting first as those could be seen as a only temporary fix. Flashes are relatively easy to replace and obtain thus stopping the murderous de-sword or changeling from using an arm blade to cut you to pieces and if the kidan has thermal eyes, it's a risk and reward scenario. This could be double edged-sword trait where the kidan has to use a flash or flashbang and it manages to be used on themselves, it's a possible game over unless they are planning to beat the shit out of you.

    In other words, "skitter skitter, click clack. I'm a fucking ant. OH FUCK THE LIGHT, IT BURNS MY GIANT EYES! WHY DON'T THESE SMALL/GIANT GLASSES PROTECT MY GIANT BUG EYES!?"

    • Like 1
  7. This is really cool, I really like the second one especially because it really gives those SS13 vibes. The 2nd one really looks like it could be some BEE MAN syndicate character almost. I'd add more detail into the first one cause it seems more portaity and could use just a bit more to describe the bloody voxx but I still really like it.

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  8. Title explains it all, you press z when your in hotkey mode you use the medicinal item that is currently in your hand. I suggest this because I mainly play shaft miner and it would make a real life or death difference when I fight some of the big bad megafauna and I'm having to fumble through my backpack to ensure I don't die. Survival pens for miners require you to click on your character while legion cores DO NOT require you to click yourself. I do not know the scope of coding this would require. This would be just a simple quality of life improvement for everyone I believe.

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