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Posts posted by MindLeaker


    Name: David Campbell

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: AB-


    General Occupational Role(s): Surgeon, Geneticist





    Mars-born, Campbell grew up in the industrial hub of Lowell City. While his family were poor third-generation miners, Campbell's ambitions were to become a medical practitioner and break out of the poverty he had experienced as a young child. Fighting tooth and claw for a scholarship, he eventually was admitted into MIT [Martian Institute of Technology]. There he studied various medical sciences, a steady-hand and gentle outlook quickly allowed him to excel within this area.


    Tragically, nearing his graduation, David's father, Arthur Campbell, was incinerated in a coal fire explosion deep underground. The body was unable to be retrieved as the many shafts nearby had all collapsed around the mining crew. It took 4 days of fire-crews and rescue teams to prevent the fire spreading. By the time the area had been broken into, the bodies were nothing but ash. [security Access Only]: [spoiler2]It is suspected that the coal fire explosion was an intentional infrastructure attack, this has not been revealed to Campbell, as no evidence on-scene could be saved from the explosion.[/spoiler2]


    This had a drastic effect on David, his grades steadily dropped as the final exams neared, and his mood progressively worsened. His responses became gruff and abrasive, with little in the way of positivity. He passed the final exam with the bare minimum of marks needed to pass, gaining his MD title. Post-graduation, he took a job as an on-site MD with the Lowell City Miner Corps. This lasted 3 years, during this time his diligence and ambition returned, but his gruff attitude remained.


    At the age of 29, Campbell left the Miner Corps and established a joint business venture under the name "Campbell & Cooke", setting up a clinic in the slum area of Lowell City, they were a moderately successful business, attracting many poorer citizens due to their low fees. The firm lasted for 6 years, until Campbell suddenly announced his departure. This resignation marked the sudden fall in C&C's stocks, and the business collapsed only 2 months after. [security Access Only]: [spoiler2]At the time, multiple investigations had been conducted into C&C's unscrupulous activities, while officially Campbell's resignation was for "Medical Reasons", it is believed that Campbell merely wished to eliminate any links to various racketeering charges and alleged ethical violations.[/spoiler2]


    Over the next 2 years, Campbell operated as a freelance medical practitioner to various companies, such as BioTech Solutions and other medical science companies. He is now working a part-time contract aboard the NSS Cyberiad, based in Epsilon Eridani. So far, his tenure has been beneficial to NanoTrasen, although he has a bad habit of rubbing his crew-members the wrong way.




    Bachelors of Surgery

    Bachelors of Medicine



    Employment Records:


    • Lowell City Miner Corps

    • Campbell & Cooke Practitioners [defunct]

    BioTech Solutions

    NanoTrasen Corporation [current]




    Security Records:

    [spoiler2]Records are relatively clean, aside from multiple investigations for racketeering within his now-defunct business, Campbell & Cooke; none of which garnered results.

    Campbell has been suspected of breaking ethical standards in the past. While this can be beneficial, a full-blown investigation by the Ethics Committee is not desirable by any means. Keep him on a tight leash.[/spoiler2]



    Medical Records:

    Psychological Profile: Campbell is gruff and abrasive, but extremely dilligent, it is not recommended to attempt to engage them in anything else besides work-related conversations, as most will result with nothing but angry remarks.


    Medical History: Nothing major of note, during his tenure here he has accrued some minor injuries such as broken femurs and feet. One reported death, memory of previous events wiped due to possibility of trauma



    Personnel Photo:


    A short, stocky male with a greasy goatee that covers his face, pale grey eyes take up what little space there is left on his calloused skin. A head of hair reaches his shoulders, scruffy and dirty.


    He is not what you would consider "handsome", in all regards


    Known Family:


    • Arthur Campbell [father- deceased]

    • Yvonne Campbell [mother]

    Leon Campbell [brother]

    Jonathan Fitch [partner- non-employee]




    Added the "obsolete" tag to the Zhan-Khazan page (seriously, what the fuck is that? Did we ever use that?)


    as far as i can tell, its from baystation...



    Yup, all our lore was shoehorned on at an earlier time, before Baystation had even finished their version, I've always wanted to bring it up to date, but it's pretty pointless honestly.


    Furthermore, if you're mass-obsoleting the Tajaran lore:




    They're all under the "Ethnicities" tab here:



    Bit late, just wanted to point it out



    Added the following:



    • The Psychiatrist may request to consult prisoners in Permanent Imprisonment. This must happen inside the Brig, preferably inside the Permabrig



    You might want to clarify who exactly authorizes this, because it might lead to an IAA letting a Psychiatrist waltz into Perma and be murdered.



    Psst, hey kid, you're looking for some BBCodes?


    I like to think of myself as an adequate pretentious asshole NT Rep. I'll show you my preferred method of pestering the admins ICly writing important faxes!

    In order to make the text more palatable, I generally employ the [small] text everywhere. The font used for normal sized is very, for lack of a better word, chunky in my opinion. So I generally avoid it.


    Put [small] first every time you click "write" and you get something nice like this:



    This is my preferred format, I like this minimalistic approach in favour of the example report papers, I'd love to see other's way of drowning incompetent swine in paperwork reporting things to CC



    You guys make it seem like there is a legitimate balance concern with people getting welders. There are so many welders on station to start that pretty much everyone who wants one can get one, and I bet cargo wouldn't even bat an eye if you requested one. Tossing a 10 unit emergency welder into a box wouldn't hurt the balance at all, I believe.


    It's simple really, you just aim for the arms first from now on




    I am from Ireland! The land of Guinness, potatoes and failed rebellions. [spoiler2]You have to admire our determination though[/spoiler2].

    We also have a leprechaun epidemic, they are hoarding all the lucky charms for their hibernation through the mild Irish summer.



    Hi, I was the Representative during that round, and feel like I should also add a little input.


    It was most certainly my character that recommended Jonah Bright as the replacement HoS simply for the fact they appeared well-versed in dealing with cultists throughout the round, neither Jonah nor Tully OOCly had any actual choice in said process, and in hindsight I realize that my second recommendation of the Warden would have been much better. In the end it was the Warden who took over, as Bright had no desire to take the reins on that hectic round.


    I agreed to filing this fax not on a personal basis, but as I believed that you were better suited to be a Security Officer and needed more experience dealing with the Cultists that were aboard. And the part of bringing Jonah on the Bridge was because he was the first Security Officer I saw when I went to the Brig, in order to make sure nothing rowdy occurred



    Extremely meta. What stops that person running around attempting to use it on everyone in order to find antagonists?


    I was thinking of a form of "mana pool" of types, as in, a limited number of failures before you lose your Hamon powers. Kind of like a three strikes system.




    This came up when I spoke to Mijhead about his comment on the github:



    A kind of SS13 "Hamon Energy", a random member of the crew is given the ability of Hamon, which is


    • The ability to use "Hamon" moves, similar to Space Ninja combos, these work against antagonists such as Shadowlings or Vampires only! Not on other crew members.

    • The crew member has the option of teaching Hamon to a single other, similar to a Wizard's apprentice

    Hamon will cease to work when your lung becomes ruptured or you are nearing crit, as it relies on breathing

    Whenever a Hamon move is used, the character will scream the move in terrible Engrish



    Off the top of my head, one move might be "Hamon Kick Overdrive":

    [Player] grabs [Vampire]!

    *Aim for lower body*

    *Harm intent-> left click*

    [Player] hollers, "HARMONU KEECK, OVARDURAIVU!"

    [Player]'s kick is infused with a bright energy! It jams into [Vampire]'s stomach, leaving a glowing wound!


    As a result, all damage in that area is increased for a certain amount of time. A vampire can negate this effect by drinking blood, or perhaps using the "Rejuvenate" ability.




    On the flip-side, it might be wise to make vampires more powerful, such as a passive rejuvenation, to combat the increased difficulty of role.


    This should by no means be part of the normal Vampire round, it's really just in relation to the Carnival of Horror PR on the git that I've even thought of this, as a silly little admin event.



    Exactly what Regen said, when someone throws a pet rock at your head, you should be able to regain the lost health without having to spend money on some pistachios.


    Keep in mind nutriment does currently heal you when it's consumed, and a number of bar drinks can also heal you as well.



    Considering drinks such as Doctor's Delight now heal an absolutely minimal amount of health, I don't see that as a viable option, I get that you're trying to get people to rely on the Chef more, but I don't agree with this being the correct course of action



    I completely agree with this. The current Space Law is honestly more suited to a Low RP environment.

    Exceeding Official Powers, Misuse of Comms, Neglect of Duty, etc. would be excellent when Security has to deal with terrible command members, or people repeatedly screaming ";HALP SHITCURITY BEATTING MEE"




    If I set my viewrange to 3 it'd only set it to 3 for me, the rest of the server would be on the default value.



    That is... well, frankly, perfect for this situation, if it could be let's say, limited to 17x17 max for non-admins and minimum of 14x14, everyone would be pleased!



    As mentioned before in this thread, I feel the gameplay advantages of not having the entire station short-sighted is worth a minor squeezing on the mob sprite.


    I would make the suggestion of having both sizes available, 17x17 for those who prefer the less-cramped view, 15x15 for those who don't. But due to the fact I'm not a coder I'm sure it would generate quite a lot of headaches.



    As much as I feel for the artists with squashed sprites, I prefer the less-cramped 17x17 view.

    In my opinion the 15x15 is claustrophobic and gives the impression everyone is short-sighted, not to mention the general gameplay advantages of an extended view-range.


    As for the argument of hostile NPCs aggro range being shorter than view, well, it isn't necessarily much of an argument, with 15x15 you had no reaction time against said NPCs, they would almost certainly rip your face asunder as soon as you came within range.




    Firstly, don't make forum threads while salty over a ban, you'll regret it.

    Second, what you did was racist, stupid, and detrimental to the community as a whole, I'm not sugar-coating this for you.


    Try another server, for a few months; come back when you're able to show the server you're a member of the community we want

    Ultimately, if you can't keep yourself from calling the server shit or saying racist remarks, you should realize that this isn't the server for you.



    To expand on what veganzombeh said,

    The infections on everything range from Mild to Acute+++, generally, every 60 seconds or so if 5u of spaceacillin is present, the infection will decrease by one stage. While on limbs the infection can be removed with advanced trauma kits, internal organs can only be done with spaceacillin


    Side-note: The easiest cure is prevention. Surgeons, wash your hands, wear latex gloves and clean your scapels, and you'll never have a problem.


    Edit: Eep, it seems it posted twice for some reason, how odd



    I'm just throwing in my two cents here, I play a Tajaran and have a flavour text that would fill out a fucking novel.


    In my opinion, when the term "special snowflake" is used in regards to SS13, it's to do with a certain niche type of person.

    Generally, what I'd define them, as a cookie cutter "snowflake", would be along the lines of:



    • They have little to no regard of rules


    They demand attention in a self-entitled way


    They have ridiculous character traits, reminiscent of Mary Sues


    They refuse to follow lore, instead making their own "subrace" (Note: I am a lore nerd, this isn't really applicable on Paradise, but in my personal opinion, this bothers me mildly)


    Generally much too violent, causing problems for the sake of problems.



    I don't think special snowflake in relation to other games/media really has the same definition as it does is SS13, we use it as a term to define a cliché of sorts, one easily recognized and widely detested. And let's be honest, it's something fun to roll off the tongue when you're salty.


    Also, for the love of god, don't put your backstory in your flavour text, it's a description, not an autobiography!



    Great guide, I admit that I completely overdo it in the description department.


    Also, as Nomzy rightfully said, we can't tell you've been a secret test subject for 300 years from giving you a once-over in medbay.


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