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Posts posted by Fruerlund


    I have a suggestion for all of this, it might not be liked by everyone because it restricts a lot for ERT, but it can help with the metagaming "I am a security officer with all access above captain harr darr" that we see from time to time.


    What if we had a predefined set of equipment for the different roles of ERT?

    Is a medical ERT needed? Well then you start will all items needed to fill that role as ERT, nothing else.

    Is an Engineering ERT needed? Well then you start with the required items to fix the station and nothing else.

    So how is it decided what the station needs? Well we can have multiple options on the keycard authentication device.



    This will also significantly reduce the time it takes for ERT to arrive, because you literally spawn with all the gear you need and all you have to do is walk to the shuttle, hell we can even make the spawn in the shuttle, all it needs it to be started.

    I believe this would help our current situation with ERT other than a lack of players wanting to play ERT.


    Very good idea. I believe this sorts most of the issues stated in this thread. Call for a Medical ERT; and you won't have to worry about a War-ERT showing up!



    because personally I think this shouldn't be about personal preference, but what everyone wants as a whole.


    I believe that sentence should say it all. Yes, he may be head of admin and I believe I speak for all of us when I say we respect that, however if the majority of the player-base wishes for the server to be unlisted, then that's how it should be. It's that simple. I think it's really sad that there's only 7 players on, when there could be around 30. And I fear that, the part of the playerbase that wishes to play, with more players will seek new servers.


    EDIT I see that while I was writing this post Mark has given his input as well. I have arrived at the same conclusion, that the server should be unlisted, due to the majority of the player-base. If this thread is not enough proof, then at least a vote as stated above. However I fear that if Fox decides to use his position as Head of Admins/Staff to cancel this vote in to fulfill his personal preference, then there is something wrong.


  3. vg station has a functioning defibsystem. If a patient is dead and his health is above x amount, inject him with inaprovaline, take off his clothes and defib. Obviously it only works if patient is not too damaged so treat with D+

  4. I'll conclude that the picture provided illustrates some sort of creature, slicing open something flamamble, maybe some gas that when released kills the creature. Summarizing to no? Bad idea?


    Let it be no secret, that I find the SS13 Medical system very good. It's challenging, and difficult to master. But for some time I've always felt, that there can be done more to improve it.


    As it is now: When a patient, dies they're dead. Even if you fought hard during surgery, and was adminstering the dexalin/medicine as he was in critical. You just wish, there was some way to "shock" his hearth wouldn't you?


    I suggest, that some sort of defibrillator-mechanic is implemented. When a patient goes below a stat of -100, you can restart his body, with the defilibrator and set his status back to maybe -50.


    However there has too be some sort of limications. If the patient has no bleed, there should be no way to restart his body. I've so far only seen one server with this sort of system, and that is |vg|. Another option would be to add a extra stat as: Healthy, Critical, "Possible to defib", Defib. Just like with the 100, 0 and -100 system I believe there is now.


    So, what do you people think? Realistic suggestion or no?



    ERT is shit snip.




    Do not use this round as an example, all I saw was two trigger-happy ERTs.


    Yes, the ERT arrived on the station, and did what they were called to do, neutralize the threats to the station. I'll mention some other examples. And I was actually the leader for this one. I had ordered my team to capure the wizard, however as we were about to depart, a Centcom Official arrived(admin character) and I asked them if they wanted them caputred or dead, in which they replied dead.


    (Two already mentioned)

    * CDC ERT cured a virus(seen this one multiable times).

    * Janitorial ERT(Simply dirty station).

    * Medbay ERT(lack of doctors)

    * Engineering ERT(explosions from traitors).

    * Command ERT(Failure to control station. Head disputes).

    list goes on.


    2.) / 3.)

    Agreed, it happends and it doesn't happend. Only way to sort it is as I said, game mechanic or simply "order" them to recall the shuttle as ERT technically take command!



    1. They never improve the situation for which they've been called, infact, they usually end up doing more damage.

    2. The crew always calls the shuttle before/after the ERT shows up.

    3. I've never seen an ERT outside of nuclear emergency/xenos(which they're never needed for because aliens got nerfed way too hard).

    4. I've never seen a non-security ERT except when an admin forced one.

    Inshort, ERTs are just shitcurity with all access.


    1.) Not true, I've seen just as many bad ERT's as good ERT's. e.g. ERT was called and killed/captured a wizard and a ninja, while causing minimal damage to station.


    Called a CDC-ERT For virus outbreak, went very well. Called Janitorial ERT (ERT showed up armed to the teeth, and started taking command and caused death of a head.)


    2.) Agreed, this annoys me the most. Either you call ERT or Shuttle not both. Maybe some sort of ingame mechanic that disables shuttlecall for x-time. If you call ERT.


    3.) Not true. As Captain I attempt to call ERT for other crisis too, such as above mentioned.


    4.) Not true again, however yes. Sometimes "harmfull" players given weapons(ERT) usually end up bad.


    In general I see a higher amount of good ERT, than bad.


    Me and another grunt armed with SAWs assulted two nukies holding out in the Caps office and managed to kill them both. Meanwhile the rest of the squad got into research, found the Cap and killed the rest of the nukies.


    That was me with the SAW. Piece of cake. Plus we killed three. ^^



    I really agree with this!


    Science is being nerfed in a attempt to, get RnD to aid other departments, but what's the points of this, when RnD only has the capibility to produce, curcuits for robotics/AI, guns and a LIMITED amount of machines?


    Then what's the point of RnD?



    *Sniff, still no fixes on that light tube. The room is 100 percent dark, when closed via the buttons.


    Still I think there's still a few changes that makes the acute treatment a little more like acute treatment area, and a little more usefull





    When you think about it, it seems kinda good, no poor, no rich.


    *Inb4 I get awarded a medal called "Hippie", "Commie", ect.*



    No why would you? The main ideology of communism is fair share for everyone. That's why it's sometimes refered to as socialism.



    Incorrect. I believe that there are three coins. One in dorms (confirmed) one in the crate In science maintence (confirmed) and the third one unknown. I also know, that the QM does have his three coins(I had them this shift today).


    Maybe a way to produce coins.



    It's really annoying when others run around medbay trying to access our vendors and putting their friends into cryo/sleepers and dragging bleeding people around, when they have a doctor running after them trying to help. I once saw an assistant steal a HoP with internal bleeding from me when I was trying to take him to surgery to save him, all he said was "i got this." before putting him into cryo.


    Also, people who sneak into medbay. Run around. Without answering my questions or asking for help or mentioning what they need and test every door to see if they can enter. I got a few "Just lookin'" responses... You could have just... Asked for a visit...


    I so agree with this. Sometimes It's just as bad as griefing because they end up getting other people killed. Oh and other roles such as scientists, rd's and security personnel performing brain surgeries. No-uh.



    Add a single cryosleeper to medbay. or two maybe. So many SSDs are being brought here/or go SDD here while in surgery.


    Add a toolbox to surgery with a welder.


    Maybe a set of cyborg arms and legs for surgery?


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