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Posts posted by Radman2307


    I would rather drag my dick through a mile of glass and salt than fill up some herpa derp diary of my spehh man game business.


    Well that's you isn't it?


    You wouldn't need to fill anything up anyway, you could simply add a bio and then if a department head or admin thought you did a good job they would add to your record.


    Some players would like it more then others.



    I've been sat pondering ways we could improve player interaction both ingame and on the forums, initially I wondered if there was a way to implement an MMO model or a 'constant' model ingame where character profiles can be saved, updated ect. Then I went on to think about admin input along with player input and thought of a very simple work-around.


    Alot of people on here have a 'character' they play with ingame, I generally play as 'Radish Gamma' and you will often find me around Medical tending to the sick and injured, people ingame know who my character is and I do these days atleast tend to get people who recognise who I am.


    I figured why not implement a 'Personnel File' section on the forums? Where-by a player creates a record of their specific character on the forums - a record that includes basic information such as:




    Date of Birth


    Blood Type

    General Occupational Role (i.e Medical Doctor)


    Personnel Photo


    These records can be viewed by everyone on the forum and would simply have an added level of 'flavour' and 'depth' to the people who play regularly on Paradise Station.


    Alongside basic biography information - Admins through the recommendation of department heads serving at the time onboard the station can elect to post up certain awards/ribbons onto a characters biography if they feel they have earnt special mention. This could work alongside the Karma system ingame but solely on the forum.


    Awards and Ribbons could be designed by the community and encompass a whole range of things, from a 'Medal of Honour' for doing something very brave and saving the entire station either single handedly or through team work through to more occupational ribbons - such as making a dangerous high profile arrest as a Security Officer or Detective.


    This idea would extend beyond awards though and perhaps this is the more controversial idea but bare with me, department heads could also elect to have 'citations' issued to a persons character record if they believe they have played poorly, abandoned their post ect.


    This, to me is good for a number of reasons:


    1. It allows the admins to award good behaviour aswell as punish bad behaviour (at the moments admins tend to just punish.)


    2. It gives Department heads and Command Staff a little something extra to do, actually have a management role and award good behaviour/Punish bad employees.


    3. It awards player loyalty to the server.


    Realistically a character record wouldn't mean too much, it would however give the people who frequently play on Paradise Station something to work for, upkeep and maintain. This may also be useful to admins further on down the line if they ever wanted to check up on a players record/standing within the community, although my bet is they probably already have such a system in place privately.


    I probably haven't explained it very well, but I hope you see the point I'm trying to make


    Let me know what you all think,





    How would command/sec act? Would they assist the mercs due to them being hired by NT or would they act to protect the andriods due to them believing them to be human? Or would it be a matter per charecter that would end up with the crew, even security, against each other?


    I could see it being a very, very interesting round type with a good mix of action and RP. Almost a RP rev round. Imagine an engie wrecking wires while his former colleges try to stop him. Or cargo hiding androids in crates.


    It would depend on the player entirely and where they stand on Synthetics, I'd imagine Chiefs would be loyal to NT but individual security officers perhaps not so much - you could implement a rule that NT is conducting an ILLEGAL action by manufacturing synthetic human-beings adding an extra shade of grey to things. The actions of the Bounty Hunters would be about 'retiring' 'lost stock' rather then enforcing space-law - it'd be ultimately the mission of the 'Bounty Hunters' to capture the Androids (along with NT Reps) - the rest of the station should act as there characters would.


    Some crew would assist, others wouldn't.



    Well first of all let me say I'm a massive Blade Runner fan, which incidentally got me thinking - wouldn't it be cool if we had a 'Synthetic' round where a certain number of crewmen were 'designated' as Androids/Synthetic humanoids who had escaped from a NanoTransen Lab intending on getting to Earth/CentComm?


    Have a random number of crew (say two to five) selected to become the 'Synthetics' - give them access to some low level weapons and equipment and task them with surviving the round.


    Have a bounty-hunter team dispatched with "Voight-Kampff" testing machines to seek out and find the androids before they can escape to the Cent-Comm.


    Here's the kicker though, the crew on the station in order to promote role play could assist the androids or turn them over, depends entirely on them - the Synthetics being desperate to escape may well have to cooperate.


    Just an idea, needs some work to flesh-out but thought it might be interesting.


    Also BBC Radio 4 has just released a radio adaptation of Philip K Dicks original novel, if anyone is interested in listening to it here is the link.



    I usually play Surgeon and I've gotta say I ALWAYS knock my patients out with anesthetic unless they are literally on the brink but even then I'd generally knock'em out first.


    It's just really bad form/IP.


    Perhaps make it an admin rule that any Surgeon who conducts routine Surgeries without Anesthetic get a temp job ban - just a thought.



    Yes, they are pronounced dead on scene to abandon resuscitation attempts, start wrap up and establish time of death. But they always pass a doctor on the way to the morgue.


    Not in the UK, police escort the body to a Mortuary after a paramedic has pronounced life extinct and the officer along with the paramedic sign the tag.


    A Doctor has no dealings with the body in the UK at all during the accident, transportation process or booking in procedure - not anymore atleast.


    In an SS13 sense though, with their being numerous doctors about within an enclosed medical area I can sorta see the need for a doctor to update medical records ect.



    I think that in real life a doctor would have to pronounce you dead. Medical records should be updated, even though they rarely are. There should, of course, be a place to put them that does not involve stacking them in the corridor.


    Paramedics in the UK can now pronounce 'Life Extinct' which saves masses amounts of time at accident scenes where the police have a very dead and often 'disrupted' body (use your imagination) but were stood around waiting for the police surgeon to show up.


    Now a paramedic turns up, pronounces life extinct and the police can begin the recovery process.





    Been here only a couple of weeks but do you think there is a way we could promote the forums more? The Paradise community is fairly sizeable and I love posting on here but not much seems to happen in the way of conversations, interesting threads ect.


    People only ever seem to sign up to the forums to post up unban requests, do you think there would be a way to get more people on these forums who play on the server?


    Paradise is one of the more popular SS13 server on BYOND at the moment, it seems odd to me that people aren't coming on here more often, it'd be nice to get a little community going.



    I came after the ruined patch. I found some enjoyment in it, but even fall of the dominion took that away.


    Fall of the Dominion removed the structure of the game and has turned it more or less into a free for all with no backbone supporting it.


    The original idea behind FoM however remains an untapped goldmine to this day, publishers/developers dont seem to be interested in it though.



    Calm your tits, people. Also, you should accept criticism Fj45, it's not even your own suggestion thread...


    Except for the few tricks (flares, barricades) everything you describe here can be done by a medical cyborg. I'm not sure to see the point in creating a new (karma) job specialized in that.


    Creating a new cyborg class might be a better idea.


    Don't necessarily agree with having cyborgs undertake this job, you might aswell have a cyborg do everything in that case - Imagine the uproar from the 'Human Space Union' if everyones jobs were being sidelined by Cyborgs/Robots! :D


    This suggestion was meant to be a fun little thread over a fairly cool suggestion, some like it others don't but at the end of the day if we can have a 'Customs Officer' as a Karma job why the hell not a Rescue Technician that would benefit the station 10x what a customs cop does? Actually getting important tasks done instead of relying on the 'Rescue Team' to come in and save the day.


    I'm just saying...



    Idle suggestion. Machine People re-assembly is bugged at the moment, you can't re-attach limbs and heads via surgery. But perhaps instead of requiring it via surgery, they should be able to re-attach their limbs pretty easily, given they come off so easily too.


    Like perhaps they pick up an arm, spend ten seconds to 1 minute standing still and then they've re-attached it.

    Of course they still have to deal with structural damage (the smallest amount of damage will make them fall apart again), but they'd have limbs to do it with.


    Similarly someone else can grab a machine-person's head, shove it back onto the shoulders and give them an arm, and leave them to re-assemble themselves.


    Yeah this was a frustrating issue earlier on Haddock, I hate not being able to treat folk who come in for surgery due to bugs.



    Greetings chaps,


    I was just talking on OOC ingame and found there are a fair number of ex-FoM players onboard the station, just wondered how many of us there actually are.


    For those of you that dont know what Face of Mankind is/was it was an open world, sandbox MMORPG where players joined various different factions each with their own roles and goals and negotiated/battled/cohabited with one another - you even had to negotiate internal power struggles within in your own faction. The world in which it was set was originally a very dark, cyberpunk style universe, with polluted cityscapes and far off colonial worlds/research centres far out into the depths of space...


    Within the FoM universe Mega-corporations were vying for power, a corrupt failing government was constantly trying to maintain control of the masses and of course numerous criminal elements were out to make money by any means they could... Imagine the original Deus Ex crossed with Bladerunner/Aliens and you sorta get the idea of just how the world looked and felt to play.


    The factions ingame came in three flavours, there were:


    1. Government

    2. Corporate

    3. Clan


    Government factions consisted of an ingame police force known as the Law Enforcement Department (LED), a military arm named the Freedom Defence Corps (FDC) and an actual government that was GM and player run known as the 'Global Dominion.'


    Corporate factions changed many times, when I played back in 2005-2006 you had Asian Coalition, Euro Core, Colonisation & Mining Guild and American Enterprises. Later on some of these corps were removed and replaced with others, one being Vortex Incorporated.


    Clans consisted of the 'shadier' side of law and order, Mercenaries of the Blood (guns for hire), Brotherhood of Shadows (Criminal) and Guardians of Mankind (Tree-hugging independents.)


    The game was innovative at the time and the concept remains so to this day, there was no grinding or level progression involved it was all about social interaction with players and making a name for yourself ingame. The only real progression mechanics involved gaining 'rank' within your respected faction, things however changed, both the mechanics and playerbase seemed to focus more on the broken combat system, the developers tried (and failed horribly) to turn it into a team-deathmatch style game ruining the original open-world and sandbox appeal that drew me and many others towards it.


    A sad state of affairs considering no-one really plays it anymore and the kickstarter that was launched last year did nothing to save the game but did contribute to it's further downfall - the ingame graphics were changed and the player characters went from looking dark, cyberpunk and grungy to 'power-ranger esque' in style... The closest thing you'll find to the original FoM is probably SS13, no developer out there seems to want to push the boat out and launch a truly player-run, open world, role playing game - everything just seems to be a WoW clone of sorts.


    The old trailer and a fairly interesting fan video:







    Some screenshots from how the game looked in 2005-2006 before the Milestone patch was introduced destroying much of the original feel.







    Also, the rescue tech would also need an item similar to the fireaxe-breaking windows/grilles in one hit, opening shutters, just without double handed and the huge damage it does.




    Perhaps some form of cutting torch, Rescue Axe or even thermite for emergency breaches.







    Some folk here are going to scream at me that this is just a step up from paramedic BUT bare with me...


    Rank: Rescue Technician


    Access: Limited Engineering, Maintenance and Limited Medbay.


    Communication: Medical & Engineering


    Reports to: Head of Personnel


    Role: To respond to on-going fluid incidents on board station, rescue and retrieve trapped, injured and deceased personnel, respond to on-board fires, anomalies and other hazards that endanger the lives of the crew and/or the integrity and safety of the station with an aim to resolve situation. If evacuation is underway to assist in the orderly and controlled evacuation of ALL NanoTransen employee's.


    Equipment: Fire fighting equipment, cutting/breaching equipment (to breach walls and make entry into closed areas), Oxygen Supplies with Respiration Equipment, Flares, radios & first aid kits.




    The station goes to hell relatively quickly even when you have an experienced crew on board who know what they are doing, this really came to ahead for me the other day when an atmospherics tech had vented the air in his little hideaway and it took me and a janitor to bust in there to drag his now very dead body to genetics - we could've saved him had we had the means to bust in quicker, rather then smash the glass then kick out the panelling.


    Of course once the Evac shuttle is called it's everyone for themselves generally and people get left trapped in areas with no means to escape... A Rescue Tech would be the last on the shuttle ensuring that as many crew as possible are off of the station.


    This role is less about stabilising patients and more about getting to them and getting them out of harms way, I frankly do not like the paramedic role and believe it should be replaced with a 'Rescue Technician' as in reality ships out to sea have people trained in firefighting and basic rescue/first aid - you don't have paramedics on board ships or oil rigs and frankly this is what the station is.... A giant, corporate industrial platform/Oil Rig in Space/Ship.


    This role could of course work hand in hand with the Paramedic role, the Rescue techs breach and make entry, the paramedics provide basic first aid, stabilise patients and transport them to Medbay.


    Why a Karma Role?


    Well two fold, its a pretty interesting concept that generally people will want to play as and secondly these guys are going to have access to some pretty decent equipment, I'd even go as far as to give them some cannisters of thermite for Emergency breaches *cough* AI CORE *cough* locked away in case of very dire situations.


    All in all it's an interesting role that when played appropriately will greatly benefit the station, it may even get certain members of the player-base more invested in the Karma system - certainly a better pick then the 'Customs Officer' role on offer.




    I figure a 'Rescue Tech' would fit nicely into making the station more independent without relying on a 'ERT' from CentComm to be called every five minutes (or every shift as it seems lately.)


    I generally serve as Medical Doctor/CMO on board and you find that whilst Medbay may be functioning properly and at a decent efficiency level the rest of the station isn't, resulting in casualties being left in areas when in reality they could be rescued had someone been around with the right equipment to do so.


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