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Posts posted by Radman2307

  1. 2 hours ago, Spacemanspark said:

    Security should wait for the current stun overhaul to go through before other aspects of it are modified. 

    I don't understand just how overhaul stunning will have much of an impact on the implementation of a Security Buggy. 

  2. 8 hours ago, robveelben said:

    Sound like a fun idea for sec but i think it needs to be earned somehow or build in some sort of way.


    I think having a vehicle that Sec could use would improve how they operate from an RP perspective aswell. 

    Net gain is secure prisoner transport. 

  3. Implementation of a Security Buggy 


    So earlier on today I was playing as a Paramedic carrying out duties, bobbing about on the Ambulance when I got wondering... Why don't security have access to something similar in the form of a buggy that could be used to transport officers, equipment and prisoners from A to B? 

    The design should mimick what we see in US malls, a security type buggy. 

    So here I am asking the question. 


    Pretty simple, implement a vehicle in game similar to size as an ambulance but have it linked to the Security team, I would suggest there would need to be capacity for:

    1x Driver

    2x Passengers (either 1 Sec Officer, 1 Prisoner or 2 Sec Officers etc.) 

    The vehicle would require the use of a key just as the Ambulance currently does but could also be used to carry additional equipment around aswell. The vehicle would also serve as assisting in cordoning off areas of the station where danger or crime scenes are taking place. 

    Fundamentally if you're HoS you could have a 'mobile responder' team out with immediate access to additional equipment without having to return to Sec that can more readily deal with antags or threats to the station, the officers would also have immediate back up in the form of one another - out in the real world double crewed cars are far better than single crewed cops showing up to calls for fairly obvious reasons. 


    I've run the concept on the discord, seems to have gotten a pretty warm reception and I think it is something that could be implemented given existing code for the Ambo exists alongside other vehicles. 

    I do think this would fundamentally change how Sec operates aswell given that you could 'crew up' vehicles in a rapid response/mobile patrol fashion and have additional equipment on board to better counter threats that may be encountered. 

    Let me know what you think. 


    Radish Gamma



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  4. 14 minutes ago, Chaznoodles said:

    Just use the overwhelming might of five Medbay staff spamming disarm whilst another bloke slaps a straitjacket on them.

    Or just sleeptoxin them.

    The point is those docs could be doing other things.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Happy Tim said:

    Glad that you tested it.

    I think it shows that there is a niche for such job.

    And yeah, I'm not saying that the medbay is the only place that would need such bodyguard-ish service, but it's one of the places that needs it the most. Also gives sec more time to focus on actual antags and not being forced to chase greytide that are breaking stuff in medbay. ;)

    Medbay guard isn't meant to be lethal, the priorities that this class should have is just keeping the patients and medical staff safe from troublemakers. :)


    Seems like a solid role to play.

  6. How about a subset job role within various departments like Security only not, more on hand muscle to keep basic trespassers out, break up the odd fight etc.

    Sorta like a departmental guard - separate to security and reports direct to the department head of whatever department they work in with access to basic security equipment with a power to detain.

    Sounds like a good idea.


    Name: Jonah Bright (he's nominated for something else I see which is pure coincidence as I have been planning to do this for a couple of days now)


    Commendation: Cryostar


    Reason: Asserted himself to ensure and personally performed a brain transplant from the burned husk of the captain (me) that other personnel (other docs, sec, others) gave up on and were about to morgue. Led to the identification of one changeling who was promptly executed and another changeling was largely stopped, also.


    Actions leading to Commendation: Spoke up. Brain transplanted the Captain. Acquired body from genetics. Stopped doctors from dragging Captain to morgue.


    Recommending Person: Jack Edwardson


    I, Jack Edwardson, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply.


    As Chief Medical Doctor at the time, Radish Gamma I second this commendation request, he did absolutely sterling work that round.



    Greetings all,


    Just wondering what everyone's favourite play lists are when in game? I usually like to listen to old soundtracks to forgotten gaming masterpieces and some more obscure games that satisfy the Sci-Fi itch for me.


    I enjoying listening to the original Fallout OST, NeoTokyo of course, System Shock 2 (one of the 90's ultimate games, genre defining.)


    Anyone else here got tracks they'd like to add to the list? Doesn't have to be from a game franchise.





    Greetings all,


    I was browsing through my steam library when I came across 'NeoTokyo' I downloaded it last year when it was finally released on Steam although I had played the game during its initial release in 2009. What can I say about NeoTokyo? Only that it is an amazing achievement in modding, somehow pulling off a slick, cohesive and stylish multiplayer shooter that in my opinion out-does the likes of Counter-Strike.


    I'm a madman for all things Cyberpunk and NeoTokyo fits this bill to a tea, the soundtrack is stunning and frankly comes across as something made for a triple A title rather than a lowly Half Life 2 Mod!


    The servers are pretty dead but if anyone is interested in setting a game up one day on steam let us know, the soundtrack by the way is available for free YouTube to listen to (I often have it playing in the background during a round of SS13.)








    I would absolutely love to see this implemented. RP and quality of rounds have booth been skyrocketing and I feel that this would be a good next step to keep the train rolling. Gives people something to work for, as silly as that sounds sometimes.


    Talked it out on OOC some people liked it others not so much, the ones that didn't seemed to ignore the RP aspects of the game - I personally believe there needs to be some kind of 'guide' to get the crew motivated to work towards something - there should be orders from Cent-Comm dictating objectives for the station.


    Even if it's conducting research or exporting plasma...


    You could have more complex problems arise in the form of events hosted by the admins (wounded players for medical to fix up/Autopsies to be conducted on corpses off world/Prisoners to escort/Arrest Warrant to fulfill/Corporate meeting to cater for etc)


    It could be anything... But there needs to be more for people to do.



    I personally believe the problem lies with the majority of the non-metal crew having little to nothing to do outside of times of crisis or emergency. No-one works together to accomplish anything, the station never functions as one - new players join and Dick about causing problems ending up getting band because they screw around with systems trying to work out what something does.


    If there was more structure in place, direction from Cent-Comm more often (I. E Captain messaged with demands from Command wanting Plasma Research, Ore Samples, RIPLEY Mechs etc being sent their way.)


    It fits nicely in with the station objective idea, have Antags in place who will directly interfere with these objectives.



    My full support for this. It'd be nice to have some sort of "Company Goals" or something like it, not just because it'd help shape the way that departments run, but also because I may or may not constantly need money for chow mein.


    I like the wording of 'Company Goal' it makes sense that nanotransen would have some kind of set objective for a round.



    or, maybe, you could just

    you know

    play the game

    enjoy the gamemode

    perhaps get some RP out of it from what I have heard


    and not throw a fit over "BUT MUH LOGIC"

    You should have written that we're talking offtopic, instead.

    This thread wasn't originally about RP basis for Nations, but about Nations and its quirks in practice.

    If it were otherwise, I would have told you that your post contributes nothing to the discussion and actually goes against the idea that we can talk and discuss various hypothetical points freely, even for the sake of mental gymnastics.


    To be honest, I think Radman accidentally hijacked this thread.


    Yeah I really didnt want to get into a debate about it if I'm being totally honest, some people like nations - others dont...


    I dont like it as a game mode, I find it jarring...



    I'd rather not we award karma to people for doing what they should be doing, karma should be used for being cool. I don't necessarily think just doing your job as cool, I think you should get karma if you RP well or go out of your way to help someone in trouble.


    But, I mean, like, Goonstation gives most crew positions their own little objectives, like "Have [chemical] in your blood stream by the time you reach Central Command" or I think "Have [x] amount of goods sold" as a QM, kinda like your suggestion for "Export [x] amount of items."


    Fair enough on the Karma point.


    To me it makes sense to have objectives that will motivate the crew, get the command staff actually directing people to get things done and also ensuring that key positions are filled.


    There is also the added benefit that people will learn the game faster by undertaking these roles.



    I had a chunk of reasonable ideas that could work in most, if not all rounds stashed somewhere as well, but it's mostly just Goonstation's crew objectives then just changed around to fit our playerbase.


    Though that might be something completely different from what we're suggesting, in which case woops. I'm still supporting this suggestion though.


    All the suggestion boils down to is to give the non-antag crew something to work towards as a station objective, it'll act as a tutorial and a motivator for new players (people will actually learn how to operate within their own departments and also the mechanics of the game when crafting/developing certain items.


    You could also have a sweetner by awarding a Karma point to all non-antag crew if the objectives are completed... It just adds more to the game.



    Nice basic ideas you've got there.

    Yeah, it's an old suggestion. We'd better get to it someday...


    Ambassadors. Kill the ambassadors!

    Corgi shipment. Adopt a puppy!

    Gateway recovery.

    Trade ship.

    Spacepol trying to arrest the captain for his off-station crimes (framed or legit).


    Unfortunately, most of these sound like admin-controlled events. Not something that can be easily done automatically. We could also use objectives that require most if not ALL of the departments to cooperate.


    Some would certainly need administration intervention, others not so much, especially the export objectives - exporting x amount of materials/plasma back to Cent Comm.


    Most rounds nothing happens until the s**t hits the fan, realistically the crew should be working towards an objective collectively with the antagonists trying to undo their work.



    Totally get that there's a limited story imposed to explain it all but again it feels forced - if an oil company lost funding overnight its rig workers wouldn't split off into different nations declaring independence from one another forming their own nation states - it's a goofy mechanic whichever way you look at it and doesn't fit with the world.



    I have to agree. The argument that since everything else is more or less crazy or insane about SS13 there are can be no jarring things... doesn't convince me. Yes, the SS13 Universe is mad (bluespess logic), but you may suspend your disbelief for a moment (just like in a good Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie) for as long as other things create a cohesive/coherent world. It may have different rulesets, but you still expect people to behave like ordinary people (at least in a RP game where you have to know your character's psychological limits) so you can relate to them. People operate according to world mechanics.

    You use plausible world mechanics to create worlds that are relatable. How do we Sci-Fi? You take an element of the real world and use your imagination to move it far into the future, with the application of hypothetical (or physically impossible but obscure enough to suspend disbelief) scientific inventions. So we get megacorporations in space, interplanetary governments, cryonic pods and ubiquitous FTL travel. It's not "anything goes". If you're a dreamer, you could imagine a distant-future world that you'd like to live in.

    Nations would work great if you had at least two stations or substations which are distinct and separate (Mining Outpost would not qualify, but Research Outpost arguably could).



    What could be the less-forced alternative?

    If Command loses its not-so-divine authority to rule the station, everything becomes a matter of debate, agreement and consensus. By not calling the round "NATIONS" as if it made any sense, and not artificially putting borders and divisions between departments, maybe we could talk sense into this gamemode. Granted, most people do not require this level of "makes-sense". I respect that.

    Removal of CTF elements was a step in the right direction.


    You may call it all Space Vault 13, sure. It's not the world I and Radman are looking for, though.

    Disclaimer: I haven't played Nations 2.0 yet.



    Glad someone else sees it my way.



    You're talking about a station that hires a clown and a mime that cause absolute insanity, despite being a research station. That has a personal army despite being a research station. Why? Because everyone on this station is goddamn insane. I think it fits perfectly well within the world that when the crew is told "We're dropping all of you, and stranding you on this station, don't ever come back" that they lose their shit and start drawing up battle lines. Either way, the rounds are just objectively stronger in terms of RP. This isn't a matter of opinion, the behaviour in these rounds is quantifiably more focused towards character interaction and roleplay, and I think that's a pretty great change.


    Slimes fit, synth meat fits etc the world is a bizarre one but not one void of complete logic...


    You don't think deep space research stations in the future would hire people to keep their crew entertained and somewhat reasonably mentally happy?


    NASA has done research into mental happiness of people for this very reason.


    You don't believe that multi-national corporations would have their own heavily armed security teams to protect their assets? We already have this now - G4S operate their own SWAT teams, black water was a private military for hire, nothing unrealistic about that.


    I didn't want this to turn into a debate - I find it jarring and the concept feels forced - this is my personal opinion. I realise it's an improvement over old nations but it's still forced...



    You could say that a Nuclear Operative team hitting the station is "forced" or that a Blob is "forced". The reality of SS13 is that while something doesn't need to go wrong, it WILL go wrong. As far as I have experienced with nations, the only REAL thing that defined what nation you belong to is personal preferance. Towards the end of the second round I was seeing people freely go to one nation or another, the little floaty things above those who start can define your nation if you want, but the removal of the CTF rules can really allow players to do whatever the fuk they want.



    No you couldn't because that 'fits' within the world nicely.


    It isn't jarring to imagine industrial espionage taking place in deep space or that a hired hit squad is out to destroy a multi-billion credit research station... It isn't jarring to believe that out in deep space some horror lurks out there which would consume all it comes into contact with forever increasing in size and mass...


    None of that is jarring - nations however is jarring.


    It doesn't logically make sense.



    Productive Station Rounds/Objectives


    Greetings Chaps,


    I've mentioned this before and it's always received positive feedback, how about the implementation of 'Station Wide Objectives' where the station has to work towards accomplishing set tasks such as exportation of raw materials/Plasma or the construction of a relay station?


    At the moment there is nothing bringing the station together, antagonist have their own objectives of sabotage yet the crew just tend to idly sit by (bar the science department) it would be great to see some Nanotransen focuses objectives.


    If at all possible why not have an antagonist who's job it is to disrupt cargo being exported or a platform being built? SS13 is an amazing game with such a wide range of things to do yet some concepts are rarely explored.


    Some example station wide objectives could be:


    Export X amount of Y items.

    Refine and export X amount of Plasma

    Construct secondary Relay Platform


    You could have specialist objectives that are department specific.


    Some ideas from the top of my head:



    Urgent request of aid to treat wounded soldiers or miners - have a ship dock with the station with critically injured players who need urgent medical treatment.



    Transportation of prisoners for trial, prison transport docks with the station - security must ensure they remain incarcerated.



    Nanotransen management meeting taking place on station - the catering staff must accommodate the meeting.


    Whatever your imagination can come up with!


    Something to ponder anyway, as always if you have an opinion please voice it and discuss it out.



    Totally get that there's a limited story imposed to explain it all but again it feels forced - if an oil company lost funding overnight its rig workers wouldn't split off into different nations declaring independence from one another forming their own nation states - it's a goofy mechanic whichever way you look at it and doesn't fit with the world.


    I don't want to have a full blown row or debate over it, this is my personal preference, I tend not to play nations when it comes around as I just roll my eyes every time such a round starts - it isn't for me to put it bluntly.


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