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Everything posted by Smudgyglasses

  1. You misunderstood me. Obviously if someone died and is unclonable, I'd want them morgued. I don't want to completely change how the game works by suggesting that corpses simply be put into cryo-storage to be replaced. My point was that if someone commits suicide because they are bored, or right when the round starts because they did not get the role they want or are not an antagonist, their occupation can no longer be filled "naturally" through new players joining the round, which is my goal and why I suggested more pods/shorter times in the first place. You may tell me to take it to the HoP if I care so much, but first off, if you really want to go through the trouble of reassigning an assistant or department member to that role you have a whole other mess of problems to deal with the effort it takes. (Yes, I know that doing this is a ban worthy offense, but the damage is already done when they type "suicide") I'm also trying to make a round more appealing to people joining after roundstart as sometimes people give up if only assistant is open, and it just seems like the nice thing to do.
  2. After some more thought I'd like to add that it should be possible to put suicide victims into cryo-storage. Too often people suicide right off the bat because they don't get antagonist or the role they wanted and don't bother to cryo first.
  3. If it is not currently possible to jobban players from ERT in general, it should be implemented. Just last night the ERT commander stunned me with a stun baton, stole my ID, and walked away. When I asked him to give it back, he said it "wasn't my ID" despite it having my name and correct occupation on it, and claimed that I said I was the CE(I had literally said "I'm not the CE" and told him where he could be found a few minutes before). When I finally nabbed my ID from him but still needed to explain to security what happened, he claimed to the entire security force that I was the criminal and he confiscated my ID because it had "all-access", which was obviously a lie. In fact, the crew pretty much agreed that the entire ERT, called to help find and exterminate the known changeling threat, was fairly useless and caused more harm than good. Honestly ERT should be white-listed or even a cheap purchase in the karma shop.
  4. I like it. Btw, fire-based attacks would be like a lit welder, lit lighter, or flamethrower, + sensitivity to fire/heat. I imagine they wouldn't stand too close to a space heater.
  5. Tbh I think all, or at least most, tiny objects should be able to be placed in the right ear slot.
  6. Yea but when I'm cloning piles of corpses my goal is to clone as many as possible, to do this I have to act fast as people often assume I'll be incompetent (rightfully so, most geneticists are dickheads) and will close client or just not pay attention to re-enter corpse when I need them to. It'd just be a real nice feature for anyone working the cloning pods to be able to tell who can be cloned and who definitely can't be. Like, if I know someone's in a body RIGHT NOW, I know I can clone them on the first go. If I know someone's ghosted, but still in their client, I know it'll just take a few tries. If I know someone's closed out completely, I know I can simply morgue them.
  7. The deceased status messages seen when examining corpses should be overhauled to be similar to /tg/'s. For example, on tg you receive one of two messages: 1. Something like "They have ceased to live...", this message in particular meaning they have died, but the player still has the client up either as the corpse or ghosted. 2. Something like "They have ceased to live...their soul has departed..." Meaning they have died and the player has LOGGED OUT. This is extremely helpful to geneticists as they can now prioritize who they attempt to clone, however, it's not as simple on paradise. You get one of two messages: 1. "They have no pulse..." The player has died but they have not ghosted and can be cloned inmediately. 2. "They have no pulse, and their soul has departed..." Unlike the second message /tg/ stations show you, this does not necessarily mean they have closed out of their client! It only means they've GHOSTED! This is hell for anyone trying to clone a corpse, especially mass amounts of corpses, as you don't know who can be cloned and who can't. If you're overhauling the death/cloning system PLEASE change the status messages that corpses get!
  8. As far as people not putting their gear back, I think if you use your ID it should show you anything in cryo-storage that applies to your department. For example, if the CMO leaves with their hypospray in their pocket and the new CMO obviously doesn't have one, they can use their ID on the cryo-console and get it back. I don't know how well the system works now however as the only time I've ever seen items in storage is when it was a CMO's biosuit and...a hazard vest. So I have no idea how it works right now. :?
  9. As of right now Dorms only has three pods in which SSD or dead crewmembers can be put to free up their occupations and clean up the station. If anyone here has ever played a round with a player-count exceeding 40 people, they know that this is not nearly enough to keep up with the amount of people who go SSD in a given round. I suggest that the layout of Dorms be changed to that of one similar to BestRP's, where instead of having three other rooms with beds they too are replaced with cryo-pods. Either instead of this or alongside it I also suggest shortening the time between entering a pod and exiting the game and actually being put into cryo-storage.
  10. I was coming here to suggest "Embalming Fluid". Little green jars of it could be obtained from Medical Storage, the CMO's Office, those Medical Vending Machines, and of course an ample supply in the Morgue. They'd be small items filled with 250 units or so of Embalming Fluid that can be applied to corpses of all stages of rotting to prevent not only the STENCH of decay, and therefore vomiting, but decaying in general. A new corpse could then be embalmed as soon as it was found to prevent cloning difficulties, or an unclonable cadaver could be embalmed for an easy autopsy, i.e. the morgue isn't going to be covered in vomit. Or just make it so you aren't made nauseous by corpses if you're wearing a sterile mask or internals. That works too. Example Image(Since I can't sprite for shit):
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