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Dark lord derpy

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Posts posted by Dark lord derpy


    Im not sure that this is the best place to ask about this, but couldnt find any other place that seemed better, I am very certain that I had the grey race unlocked but now its gone, it was a few months ago that I last played and unlocked the race.


    Is there any way to check? any problems with the database?


  2. Ah, well, the problem with non-humanoid races is spriting clothing and all of that stuff, I would love to see some like...serpent race or centaur race, but that is unlikely given spriting limitations. a demon looking race would be a bit easier


    The problem is they are incomplete ideas, so not quite worthy of its own thread just yet.


    Some kind of race using echolocation could be interesting, however, not sure how that would work, mayby they have an ability that allows them to ping the area, giving them temporary ability to see well in darkness, perhaps when they arent using the power, they have poor sight. Im thinking batlike or demonic for the races appearance.


    a race with a good sense of smell might be able to determine who was present in a room recently



    Right now I feel we have too much furryish species compared to other races, I dont mind furryish species, but I like a balance, I think that mayby vulpakin should be saved for when we have more races.


    having multiple subraces could also be an interesting option, vulpakin being a subrace of tajaran, dwarves a subrace of human and stuff like that.



    Area 13: an SS13 server Idea


    Area 13 is a top secret research site housing alien technology, magic, and all those things the government does not want you to see, a bit like Area 51 or the SCP foundation. Area 51 is a complex located deep in the desert with a staff of researchers, military security, medics, engineers and other jobs in order to keep the facility running. When researching dangerous alien technology however. Things are bound to go wrong.


    Some differences and things to think about:

    Area 13 is in the desert, not space, the perimeter of the base has turrets or something to keep people from running away, however, if an antag escapes the base succesfully....bad things might happen, either the secret gets out or the world is doomed.


    Game takes place around 1970s-80s, radio headsets are uncommon, making life much more dangerous.


    Medical slightly less magical, no cloning!, however, in order to let players come back in the game the Heads of staff can call in Military reinforcements, sorta like an ERT


    Alien Artifacts are found from taking apart alien space ships and stuff


    Game modes:


    Traitor: One or more people on the station are soviet agents with various objectives, steal secret technology, or assasinate targets, not sure how they are going to get equipment though.


    Thing: thawed out from cryostasis, an alien parasite infiltrates the base, capable of entering peoples bodies and taking them over from the inside, the process however, is pretty noticeable, they engulf the target in a cacoon which changes all of their cells into mimic cells which allow them to shapeshift. It is difficult to tell friend from foe


    Xeno: same as normal


    Escape: an alien prisoner (or a few) must attempt to gather parts of its space ship from the research department and repair its starship to make a getaway.


    Cult: some strange artifact or something has caused some people to act strangely, it operates much like standard cult



    the lobster claws are more disability than a power, im thinking like 10 damage at most

    Facial tentacles...meh mayby its just cosmetic

    I dont see how wings would be a problem, or spider eyes

    berserk I can understand



    So, I had some ideas for genetic mutations for the geneticist to mutate, currently mutants are not terrifying and creepy enough.


    Lobster claws: depending on how high the hexadecimal is, may give you one hand as a claw or both, gives you fairly potent (15 damageish) claw attacks, but its hard to manipulate objects, changes your sprite to have lobster claws

    Facial tentacles: gives you a beard of tentacles along with the brain suck power, it is used in a similar manner to changeling absorb, perhaps also gives you a chance to develop psychic powers of some sort if you eat brains

    Exotic skin colour: if your a human, allows you to have more interesting skin colours.

    Tail: if you are a species with a tail, mutation here removes it, if not you gain a tail.

    Hideous appearance: when your not wearing a mask, people seeing you feel sick and vomit, perhaps also changes your sprite to the deformed sprite of your species

    Maddening appearance: something about your appearance drives people to madness, the longer people look at your face the more crazy they become, it starts out with messages like “OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING”, “is that a monster?” “What in gods name is that?” and other texts, then, if you continue to be around the maddening dude, you gain the objective “KILL THE MONSTER” if you continue to hang around and not kill the monster you gain “Serve the monster, it is your master”

    Berserk: The mutant gains messages like “you feel very angry”, “You feel darkness within you” and stuff like that, also, for the safety of the crew when you gain this mutation you let out a long ROAR so that the geneticist can know that its time to fix something. If left untreated the mutant eventually gets the “Go on a rampage” traitor objective

    Severe Depression: the mutant gets messages like “you feel depressed” “you feel worthless” and stuff like that, and eventually you gain the traitor objective to assasinate yourself if untreated.

    Wings: you get wings on your sprite, allowing you to gain a speed boost for a short time, but you might crash into things.

    Tentacles:You now have tentacles! Mayby changes your arm sprite, allows you to disarm from an extra tile away and makes you better at grabs

    Spider eyes: gives you dark vision, also gives you extra eyes to your sprite



    Want to be a jedi without traitor/adminbuse? my suggestion is a new improvised weapon, the plasma blade, building it I think should include an advanced welding tool, a plasma fuel tank, and some kind of magnetic containment generator for science to build.when a plasma blade is active it consumes fuel. the plasma blade has disadvantages over the the e-sword but it has a few advantages as well.


    +having one does not make you a traitor, and might even be technically legal, as its technically a modified plasma torch

    +can be built with help from science

    +can be used as a blowtorch

    +produces light

    +has a chance to block e-sword/plasma blade attacks



    =does heat damage rather than brute damage


    Negetive aspects:

    -Doesnt fit in your pocket even when off

    -consumes fuel while active

    -its a modified plasma torch, you really should wear eye protection if you dont want eye damage

    -god help you if you activate it in a room full of plasma

    -not very good at blocking bullets


  9. As for IPCs and people with robot limbs, they're excercizes are calibrations, which have similar effects to organic excercize, while they cannot use roids perhaps they could have a way to overclock limbs, which give a nice boost but while overclocked they take damage, for example Sanic the IPC overclocks his legs allowing him to be very fast however each step he takes deals a point or 3 of brute damage, meaning he won't be running long


    Do spacemen even lift?


    My suggestion is to add exercise equipment to the dorms, using the equipment causes pain, but gets you gains in the form of minor bonuses. lifting weights for example could increase your endurance or mayby make it so you do like...1 extra point of damage in melee or something. it should be minor but still something. mayby extended time on a treadmill increases speed just a tad.


    of course, who has time for that stuff when chemistry can make you steroids, steroids give an increase in strength and endurance but can be addictive and give minor toxin damage. Protein shakes can be made with nutriment in addition to the steroid, and have less effect but less damage to you. they also make your spaceman say things like "Do you even lift"


    Finally "Super Steroids" turn you into hulk but deal toxin damage while your in that form and doesnt last long, however an overdose is permanent hulk....and you continue taking toxin damage until you die.



    I think some form of "psychic" job could be interesting, the problem is balance, im thinking the psychic has a few minor tricks it can pull, mayby it can occasionally get messages like "you feel that x visited here recently" or "There is something funny about x" perhaps if the target is helpless they can do some creepy mindprobing or something. The psychics powers arent generally evidence in court, but can give security leads.


    Im thinking that any abilities that the psychic may have require the user to wear special equipment and perhaps does a bit of brute damage to the head.


    Mayby it can talk to aliens telepathically, sorta a mix between the Psi-corps from babylon 5 and empaths.


  12. I think an eclipse phase style server would be pretty awesome, replace aliens with different morphs, computer virus gametypes/events, mayby some way to hack into peoples brains and mess with them, while being a transhuman gives an advantage in many areas, occasionally a hacker might alter your speech so you can only say "HONK kill captain!" or something.


    Child of Nar'sie: The child of nar'sie is a terrifying cult spell, it requires at least 4 cultists and one "host" the host must be put onto a rune and the rune must be activated with 4 cultists around it.


    Once the rune is activated, a dark force enters the body of the host which slowly grows.


    once it reaches the final stage of its growth inside it will gib the unlucky host and they will become the child of Nar'sie a fetus like monster. (though the hosts player controls it)


    Now, the hosts pain slows down the growth of the monster, but the longer it stays in the host, the more points the monster will get to spend on powers when its done.

    killing the host causes the monster to be born, but it can be surgically removed, the surgically removed monster is animate and hostile to all but the host, but still less dangerous than the child of narsie


    Once the monster is born it can use the power it gained while in the host to purchase abilities, there should be lots of choices as this is an infant god,exemple powers would be mutations and spells that it can use with little delay, and maybe also turn walls into cult walls and stuff. The summoning of a Child of Nar'sie could be a cult objective, but unlike nar'sie, The child can be killed, but it will be a tough fight.


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