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Posts posted by Basilisk132mm


    Wait wait wait..... i'm missing something here... The head coder is disscussing stuff with the community before implementing it! Now that's a step in the right direction, man! Or at least it makes feel the community better about you, if anything. But ahem, back on topic:


    The hands and feet are smaller and move much faster than the rest of the parts of the body. So the elegant solution would be to make the chance to hit them lower, so even if they aim you there, they would need way more time to actually disable it.

    Removing the bone system completely would look like the lazy solution, removing the drop-item-because-of-pain would also be quite lazy... but i dont think anybody would really complain about that feature being gone.


    The bones breaking, yeah i agree it feels like everybody is suffering from glassy bones, a bunch of critters in the hallway will for sure fill the medbay with broken arms and ribcages.


    About severing limbs, when cutting off a limb you have to cut through the skin, fat, tendons, muscle tissue, and a thick bone. So yeah, cutting off a limb is not something easy, even harder to do it in one swing unless you are Prosnorkulus. Maybe raising the damage a limb needs to be severed would fix it, specially the head, which has a hard spine supporting it, and is probably harder to hit.



    The atmospheric anomalies used to be pretty okay... but that was before EVERYTHING MELTED in high temperatures. If an anomaly spawned lets say in the chapel, then you bolt the room, and wait for the air to cool down, with almost no real damage, not even to the floor. And now? now an anomaly causes this



    (yes, i do realize this is the old map and before the new atmos system but i stand my point)


    The windows break, the walls melt, the floor melts! EVERYTHING MELTS IN THE PLASMA-FUELED AND INFINITELY HOT FIRES OF HELL! The maniacal psychopathic atmos tech is delighted.


    So yeah now they are not anomalies, but small supernovae.



    So many changes from tg and goon... suspicious. But hey those are actually good changes so i will shut up and bitch about it only when it's something questionable. I prefer those lings to the current lings too.


    No more monkey run, it's time to fill the heart of men with fear and despair as the cosmic horror reveals itself in it's greater form to devastate everything in it's path, mwahahha.

    Though the goon ling (which you would need to code from 0 methinks) could be too much for the oh so delicate balance of para. I've always wanted to have the tg ling, the current changeling rounds have a tendency to turn painfully boring...



    https://github.com/ZomgPonies/Paradise/ ... /parrot.dm



    line 240


    //Simple animals

    /mob/living/simple_animal/parrot/attack_animal(mob/living/simple_animal/M as mob)

    if(client) return



    if(parrot_state == PARROT_PERCH)

    parrot_sleep_dur = parrot_sleep_max //Reset it's sleep timer if it was perched


    if(M.melee_damage_upper > 0)

    parrot_interest = M

    parrot_state = PARROT_SWOOP | PARROT_ATTACK //Attack other animals regardless

    icon_state = "parrot_fly"



    line 492



    //Time for the hurt to begin!

    var/damage = rand(5,10)



    line 500



    emote(pick("pecks at [L]", "claws [L]"))



    All parrots are blood-thristy monster hunters. All they want in exchange is a pen, a sheet of paper and a rubber stamp to make a nest where to sit comfortably while they wait all the day, as the ignorant and ungrateful CE ignores them.



    You know the random event called "tear in space and time" ? They are those scary red clouds that spawn a ton of hostile mobs, like NPC aliens, carps, spiders, hivebots, etc... They cause a lot of destruction and death, and you will need laser fire to kill them safely.


    Well, few days ago, one of those spawned in the CE office. A huge number of hostile mobs spawned there, and attacked the nearest mob, the parrot Poly. None of them survived, Poly was perfectly unharmed.


    Morale of the story, don't fuck with Poly.





    If tajaran were able to eat mice they would at last have some use as vermin hunters. We are already suffering a cat-splosion, at least lets have some kind of benefit from it.


    And no, tajara officers do not hunt the civilian-vermin, they are just another asshole security officer.



    Good news, everyone! Fireaxe was nerfed to almost half it's strength, it's not the most robust shit on the station anymore! Better grab a toolbox to get those baldies.




    But yeah, before the nerf, having the fireaxe 4noraisin was veeeery frowned upon. And because of it's visibility, it's a good way to get an admin to follow you to see if you aren't a troublemaker vigilante.



    From the discussion on this thread, i can point two stated reasons why according to the admin team the clothing machines must be removed.

    -People used them to slack off and mess around, or even be a vigilante.

    -They are meant as a clown-mime feature only.


    The first reason: Counterargument, if people want to slack off or be a vigilante, the lack of fancy clothing will in no way stop them from doing that. Yeah, the thought of being The Owl in a colorful suit is encouraging, but actually most people who use those clothing machines are civilians with no job, and those who do have a job, are competent enough to handle both their tasks and roleplay. The cases when people ignore their job for the sake of roleplaying fun (RP, that's what you want to encourage, right?) or the cases when people go rampant vigilante, the clothing machine is in no way the cause of it, at most a tool to spice up their intents. And these are the cases in which an admin would talk to the person in question. Therefore clothing machines do NOT cause people to slack off for silly roleplay or vigilantism.


    Second reason: Okay, i can understand that NanoTrasen seeks professionalism and seriousness in their workers, and they want them to be in the reglamentary uniforms at work. Therefore leaving the colorful clothing for exclusive use of the entertainment staff. But! The workers aren't working 24h a day aboard the station, they have shorter or longer breaks to rest and relax, call it "free time". At this free time, most crewmembers would change the sweaty clothing and put on some fresh jumpsuit, it could be another working jumpsuit, but given he is not working at the moment, he is allowed to wear something more comfortable like a normal grey jumpsuit, or a pretty-colored one. And yes, workers have free time, why else would there be a bar, arcade machines, a dance bar, a holodeck and a boxing ring if NT doesnt want their workers to spare free time? And would you go to dance at the bar with your scientist labcoat or your engineering jumpsuit in a real situation? Exactly, so that's why spare clothing should be avaiable for crewmembers to wear, clown or not.




    So, after this wall of text, i conclude that these two motives don't seem to be a proper justification to have this popular feature removed, could be there other hidden motications?


    -Technical difficulties: The code for the machines is buggy, or the BYOND hardcap requires some features to be removed to add new better ones. But if that's the case, why hide it?

    -Balance issues: For example, traitors can use few different sets of clothing to disguise theirselves when wanted, though i would rather applaud trying such approach rather than buying standart stealth traitor items from the syndicate uplink.

    -It's in someone's personal interest to have them removed. Someone with influence asked to have them removed for any reason. I automatically reject this one, i believe the coder and admin team is honest and reasonable enough to not be guided by someone's petty whims ignoring the playerbase.

    -The admin team itself forces changes to assert their power. I pray to the Emperor this better not be true, but given the recent stream of changes, I will include it here just for the sake of completeness, please do not take this as an attack to the decisions of the administration and coding team. Most of the changes are good and welcomed, but some of them are completely unexpected and strongly rejected by the playerbase, like this one about the clothing machines. Some of those "bad" changes have an in-deep explained justification for them to happen, but in this case the playerbase got few vague sentences as explanation, and the other possible reasons are unclear or no plausible, thus reinforcing the belief that the changes were made "Just because we can do it".




    Right now the poll is 34 votes in favour of returning the machines, and 4 against. I know this is not a democracy, and not everybody votes, but ignoring the voice of a representative part of your playerbase is a strategical mistake. And seeing the obvious frustration among the players, not giving a justification for the changes shows very bad PR, which is unfrequent for this community. Please consider if the changes discussed on this thread are worth the inmediate loss of popularity and general morale.



    I'm not sure, but i know they have something like 5-10 brute cutting damage per hit, can cause heavy bleeding, break bones, and they can even severe limbs and decapitate.


    So yeah, a barfight with a tajara will almost always end badly for you, even if you are an ubertank kidan or a diona.


  10. I don't really expect this to be implemented, but as a member of the glorious human masterrace it is my duty to at least try. And a good fist punch to the jaw is manlier than girly scratches to the neck! Grow a beard, not fur!

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