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Posts posted by Tourte

  1. The fax we sent to you was a “do not waste our time”  template; as such, it is considered as an automatic message (we’ve faxed several templates like this for common requests from IAA/Captain/NT rep). I am not really sure what you mean by a thoughtful response- whether you are referring to you sending the automatic fax back to Central (which now you know you should not), or your cargo request, which you put some work into. I do not perceive this as a negative; if anything, I consider it as something positive, as you are now aware to not request items that the station is able to make from Central Command, as I mentioned in my last post. As so, I am assuming your thoughtful response is your diona pod request.

    While you say this is not a waste of your time, it can be perceived as one in this context. Since you are sending back the “don’t waste our time” fax template back to Central Command. While you can send a fax back about receiving an answer from Central Command, it is not recommended to do so, as it’ll only distract the attention of the online admins for a simple “I got this message guys don’t worry.” The admin handling your fax can easily check whether you’ve checked the fax or not, and can even send a subtle message to the player about it if they are unaware of the fax.

    While this situation doesn’t warrant a jobban, the context, before you explained your side of story, may have warranted one. As you can see, while an assfax or faxing back a “don’t waste our time” to Central Command is unserious and we jobban people for that, as I specified in my previous post, unless there is a nuance such as me being unable to contact you during the round and you being able to explain your side during an admin PM. This is why you are not job banned from the roles, as you couldn’t explain your side of things in an admin PM. I appreciate what you did with this feedback; you can also use adminhelp/contact the admins through the discord and ask them questions about what happened, as sometimes admins are busy and are unable to handle everything smoothly.

    I mentioned the missing part as I thought you may have not realised or seen that we'd sent you a fax, and it is also something that I would’ve mentioned if I were to contact you through admin pm. In that case, you would have been able to explain your side of the story; however, since I was unable to contact you through PMs at the time, you explained your side of the story in this thread.

    On a side note, please do not make assumptions about you just being here to be a problem. While the whole IAA fax to CC issue was a problem, and needed to be addressed as we did in this thread, you explained your side, are now aware to not do that, and that should be the end of it. Which I hope helps you continue to enjoy the game, while following our rules.

    This is also the correct place to post feedback.

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  2. Hello as the admin handling your fax and everything behind it I’ll reply to you to share my side of it as you requested feedback about it.

    You sent a request for a diona pod to Central Command, I sent a standard “don’t waste our time” template as this is not the IAA job nor should they fax CC about requesting items that the station can make (Botany and cargo can make/order them.) You then proceeded to fax back the very same fax we sent to you as Central Command signed and stamped by you as IAA without any further word from you to anyone else about the fax between the pod request and when you faxed back our own fax (Which you didn’t include in your summary of the event). When I checked your say logs, you didn’t provide any reason as to why you wanted the pods to anyone else, I proceeded to demote you and sent a floor cluwne after you as I consider this as an assfax if not worse, when Central told you to not waste their time with this, you proceeded to send our own fax implying to not waste your time.

    We’ve a policy to jobban anyone with fax access sending us an assfax (As per a forum announcement, here is the link: https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/17124-iaa-captain-ntr-butt-faxes-and-rp-seriousness/), while this is not perse an ass fax, this is akin to one in terms of seriousness. I should’ve spoken to you about it and job banned you since CC demoted you which implies you did not play your role responsibly as IAA (IE: Rule 5.). Though I was busy with something else and was unable to message you about this issue.

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  3. From the point of view of a antag deactivating the comms of a  AI is convenient. He can't  make announcement/ Talk throught radio/PDA message. He can only in robot talk and around of him. 

    Point of views of a AI : If you card him while his core is depowered. He is totally blind can't do nothing except talk in robot talk or around him. If he has laws preventing ratting out traitor like crewsimov he can't do nothing much  except waiting in closet/other areas while chatting with borg. 

    Now if you remove the ability of speaking from a AI in a intelicard that hyper convenient for the traitor but in other side the AI can only wait and do nothing for the rest of the round. (Bonus point if you card a AI while his core is depowered as that make him blind).  It's like removing the ability to talk of a possesed blade of the Chaplain. Nobody want play a mute sword able to only watch. I would rather stay as ghost.  😛

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