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Posts posted by Breenland

  1. I wouldn’t say being a hardass makes you a great captain, but being properly professionally can. Hardasses can cause more trouble than they fix due to their stubborn insistence on staying a course of action, or inability to see a better way. Being flexible is important. Something I think you forgot to mention is that a Captain not only needs to know when go raise the alert, but also lower it. All too many shifts are spent almost entirely on red due to this.

    Once again I find the C and B tiers most fun. Bridge Captains are effective and can be fun to play.

  2. It’s a pretty controversial topic. A lot of people don’t like change, or feel like removing them entirely isn’t the right way. Personally I’d be cool with a test of it, however I don’t mind testing a lot of stuff to see how it works.

    I am a bit iffy on the complete removal, mechs and all. Mechs should be able to keep theirs for riot suppression, as well as the fact that if someone is stomping around mech tasing people that’s something they can be handled better than officer doing it on foot. (I’ll be posting this bit on the PR, meant to yesterday)

    • Like 1
  3. Something to keep in mind is the whole server hosting transfer thing. That’s been a lot of stress on a lot of people for various reasons, and has eaten up a lot of time.

    Personally, I don’t think voting in stuff would be a good idea for...well, Neca posted as I was typing. I do hope for more test merges soon, but at the moment the previously mentioned things are still an issue slowing it down. 

  4. Admin's version of events: I issued you a single warning on 2019-05-24 regarding building an entire R&D setup (Destructive Analyzer, Protolathe, Autolathe (this is fine), Circuit Printer, and R&D Server) as the Chief Engineer, in Engineering. You called out over the radio, in all caps, that you built the setup and finished research before Science did.

    Admin's reasoning for actions: There were many things you could have been doing, such as setting up the solars, assisting with the station goal, or even assisting atmos with the turbine or other projects. While there are cases of building a setup on your own being okay such as Science being destroyed, refusing to do their job, or the loss of Science's staff, the the one warning I gave you wasn't one of them. If you would like to do Science's job, you are more than capable of signing up as a Scientist, or requesting a transfer. 

    Acknowledgement of wrongdoing or disputing of: I am disputing this complaint, as the reason for the warning was legitimate and this not a case of a single admin harassing a player.

  5. I'd be a fan of some more stuff to mess with in Atmos! Currently the most exciting things are the TEG or Turbine, and plasma gas is boring. There is the SM, but good luck getting it done in one shift. Gimme some more fun stuff to play with, yessss.

  6. Those both work as well, I'm sure making sure the locks disappear after someone cryo's would be easier to do. EMPing could have a chance too, though the only way to do that normally would be with slime cores or an ion rifle (unless you manage to get that EMP 'nade).


    I do like the idea of the Exosuit Console being able to do this a lot, actually. Instead of making the item I've mentioned, just make it an option like on the Cyborg Console.

  7. So, have you ever found a mech that was DNA locked by some traitor, or someone who has cryo'd, or any other number of things, and now you can't get into it again? The only real way to deal with it, I think, is to break the mech down...a huge waste of resources.


    So my suggestion here is a Mech Lock Breaker, a device that functions somewhat similarly to the Pod Lock Breaker. It is an object that would spawn in the Robotics Lab, and when used on a mech that has had it's maintenance panel unlocked (with the proper ID), would allow the user to wipe all access, including DNA locks, from the mech after a period of time (10-15 seconds). This would allow Robotics to recover mechs, from the basic mining and combat mechs, to the rarer Phazons and service mechs without having to waste resources. Of course, this kind of maneuver would be blocked by any mobile mech, and would definitely not work in combat.

    As it stands, I'm not sure how the pod lock breaker works, though I can guess it is less involved than this. Please let me know what you think, and add any constructive comments you would like!

    • Like 3
  8. 11 hours ago, ZN23X said:

    Pretty sure the purpose of the kit is because you are on a space station and a breach makes the room very immediately dangerous without internals. Exposure with internals takes much longer. Its not meant to be a first aid kit.

    You could consider the fact that vox and plasmamen are always wearing internals and never need to reach into thier emergency kit for a tank and mask to already be advantageous. Same for IPCs who dont require any kind of internals ever.

    IPCs still take damage from pressure and temperature, so having an emergency welding tool or wire would be valuable, giving them enough time to fix small damage and possibly not collapse...provided their limbs haven't been blown off. The spare mask/internals for plasmamen and vox feels fair, as if they lose their one tank in some situation, it's certainly an emergency!

    I can understand the reasoning to not giving drask the supercooled air for balance reasons, as it does heal fairly quickly. That certainly shouldn't be compared to the IPC's welding tool and wire however, since it's passive compared to IPC repair requiring active action from the player.

    On the subject of slimes, a teperone pen would be very helpful, but based on some arguments presented here, I'm not sure if it would fit in the emergency kit.

  9. 7 minutes ago, McRamon said:

    Well, no, idea of emergency kit is to give everyone a way to survive emergency, while spending the least amount of money possible. Nobody will spend money/resources to cool off air for drasks, you could the same way place there parches, pills, weapons, surgery tools...

    I don't quite understand how it's different, since if you're using it, it's an emergency. Plus, all they'd have to do (and the fastest, easiest way imo in-game) is have an air line along the external hull, or even just pumping air from less inhabited/heated areas (kitchen freezers?). BUT that is besides the point, the goal here giving every race their chance to survive in a package that fits in a box, on their person. You could even say that Diona could start with a flashlight, though their PDA light may be sufficient...unsure there.

  10. The fact that it is an emergency kit only makes the idea of cooled air more worthwhile! It's known to heal them of both brute and burn damage, thus making it perfect for emergency situations. Now if you take it out and breath it all within the first 15 minute of shift, well...you're outta luck unless someone makes you some more.

  11. So with Nanotrasen hiring many different species, it seems odd that they'd all be offered the same cookie cutter emergency kit. Sure, it could be used to help another crewmate, but what if that crewmate is synthetic, or a vox? It simply makes sense to me for some species to have slightly different emergency kits to fit their needs. And, after a short (and lively) discussion on the Discord, I figured I'd post my thoughts for this here. 

    As a note, I've only played Human, Unathi, Diona, Drask, and IPC. If you think my suggestions for the species' emergency kits I've not played are outrageous, please feel free to suggest something more in line!

    • Vox: Spare emergency capacity voxxygen tank, spare mask, epipen.
    • Plasmaman: Spare emergency capacity plasma tank, epipen. Unfortunately here, I've not got set idea on to handle spares for them. Perhaps a spare suit that, and their suits only fit plasmamen (if they don't already), or a ticket that can be redeemed for a new suit.
    • Drask: Standard emergency kit, but with the air supercooled.
    • IPC: Replace the air tank and mask with an emergency welder and set of cable coils. The epipen can remain, as it is valuable if trying to assist others as well.
    • Other races: Standard kits, unless I'm missing something that they should have.

    Of course, the air tanks would be replaced with the proper ones depending on their jobs (extended capacity emergency tanks) where applicable. Thanks for taking a look!

    • Like 1
  12. stop making beautiful are you damned amazing person you. ((keep making the art))


    If I'm allowed to make a request, could you draw my drask and/or my IPC? I don't have anything other than their sprites and a limited description. Here they are: Vvvroomn-Vroooooom-Vroomn (edit, I need to adjust Vvvroom's look, but the description stands!) and Prime.

  13. Today I had an unpleasant encounter with a Revenant in a way I didn't know possible! While teaching another person Chemistry, we were attacked by the vengeful ghost in the Medbay. I felt safe, as we had destroyed the lights and thus a good way for them to kill crew members, but instead they had used Malfunction. This instantly killed both myself and the other person, who were both IPCs. Before anyone could assist us the Revenant was able to Harvest their soul, but scared off before I could be eaten.


    My suggestion for this is to adjust how Malfunction works. At the moment it appears to be a 9x9 tile EMP, which stuns cyborgs and has and cause issues with electronics (similar to an emag). The change I've got in mind is to adjust the strength of the EMP if possible, to prevent an instantaneous death for IPC characters. Heavy burn damage, or a significant stun, would be preferable to an unavoidable, unreactable death for the IPC player. Otherwise, I feel the range is fine as it is.

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